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Our last year
in Pieterburen

Zeehond die wordt vrijgelaten

We will be moving

This is our last year in Pieterburen. We will close our doors to visitors here early next year. In spring 2025, we will reopen at the WEC, in the port of Lauwersoog. Here we will become part of the wider Wadden Sea World Heritage Centre.

Sealcentre Pieterburen has been helping weakened seals for more than 50 years and is the largest seal hospital in Europe. Visit soon and discover the shelter, exhibitions and guided tours.

Seal, Sea, Science.

The Sealcentre supports seals and their habitat – the UNESCO Wadden Sea World Heritage site. We will make every possible effort to prevent seals from getting into trouble. If, in spite of our efforts, a seal ends up in distress, it will receive care, partly behind the scenes, and partly visible to our visitors. We are convinced that healthy seals and a healthy sea are inextricably linked. Researchers in our sanctuary study what we can learn from this principle – for the seal, for our sea and for our own health. You can support our work with a visit or a donation. Every contribution counts. Are you in?

Zeehond die wordt vrijgelaten

How to help

Since 1971, we have been committed to seals and their habitat. We have been able to do so for so long, thanks to your support. We receive no subsidy from the government. All contributions, in whatever form, are therefore more than welcome.
