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Author: Marco Boshoven

Seal mother also let pups be

Knowledge repository

Research in the Dollard has been ongoing since 2015. In all these years, several results have been achieved. We have learned more about the behaviour of seal mothers and their pups. We have also been able to use the results to adjust our rehabilitation policy: we now observe seal pups longer and catch fewer pups. Below we share the insights we've gained so far.

See also

  • Pup roept

  • Zeehond - moeder en pup zogen

  • Onderzoek in de Dollard

First insights

We used to think that a seal pup lying alone along the shore had been abandoned by its mother. They were also called 'howlers', because of the sound they made. But were they really abandoned? Our researchers have followed several mothers over the past few years. They looked at how long it took them to return to their pups.

Thus, we found that puppies were regularly left alone for a while (see the picture below). Some mothers even stayed away for eight hours. Then they would reappear and give their pup milk. This means that a pup alone is not necessarily abandoned. Seal mothers also have to look after themselves and hunt for food. It is quite normal that she cannot be with her pup all the time.

Peculiar behaviour of seal mothers and pups

The researchers also looked at the behaviour of mothers and their pups as well as pups of other mothers. They found out that the pups not only drink from their own mother, but also join in drinking from other mothers. Not all mothers allow this; there are mothers who only give milk to their own pup (see image below). But there are also very social mothers, who let dozens of other pups suckle. One mother gave milk to 33 different pups!

Seal pups cannot survive on the milk of other mothers alone. For the first 7-11 days of their life, the pup drinks from its own mother, after which the mother sometimes lets other pups drink from her. If a pup loses their mother within that first 7-11 days time, they can get milk from other mothers. This does not mean that the abandoned pup will survive with only milk from other mothers. In fact, the pup gets most of its milk from its own mother. So other seal mothers cannot replace their own mothers, but collectively they can care for several pups. It is like a daycare centre for seals.

Less rehabilitation, more observation

This research has allowed us to change our seal rehabilitation rules. Thanks to these discoveries, seal guards observe pups that are alone for up to 24 to 48 hours. This is a lot longer than before. This gives pups a greater chance of staying with their mothers. Only pups who have really lost their mothers are now taken in.

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Blind seals

Knowledge repository

Did you ever wonder how a blind seal survives in the wild? Seals are used to hunting with low visibility. Most seal species look for their food dozens, sometimes even hundreds, of metres underwater. Light does not penetrate as deeply into the sea. As a result, seals often hunt in the dark. Although their eyes are large and see more underwater than we do, it is the whiskers that are indispensable when hunting.

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Whiskers of a seal

Seals have very sensitive whiskers, which allow them to detect the smallest movements in water. As such, they find their way through the water current and feel the vibrations given off by fish. These are picked up by the hundreds of nerves in each whisker. Minutes after a fish has swum away, a seal can still detect it. This is because a seal's whiskers are not smooth, as a dog's or cat's whisker, but ribbed. Therefore, they glide smoothly through the water.

This allows Blind, the blind seal seen for years by our researchers in the Dollard, to find enough food without seeing anything.

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Whiskers of a seal

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Maternity strategy of seals

Knowledge repository

One of the studies that our researchers conduct in the Dollard, is to analyse ten seal mothers. Over several years, they look at whether their mothering strategy changes. For example, they look at whether she feeds more or fewer pups from other mothers and whether she always feeds the same pups or whether this varies. In addition, they study whether the seal mothers give milk each other’s pups. These things combined is called maternity strategy. 

See also

Zeehond - moeder en pup zogen

Allonursing, what is it?

Allonursing means that a seal gives mothermilk to a pup that is not their own. But why would a seal mother give milk to another pup? The causes and function of allonursing in seals remain mysterious, as giving milk takes an enormous amount of energy for the mother seal. There is also an increased risk of transmission of pathogens between mothers and other pups. It is therefore a crucial research subject.

Why do mother seals conduct allonursing?

There are five hypotheses that could explain why seals nurse their other pups:

  1. Allonursing is the result of misguided parental behaviour.
  2. Seal mothers alternate to nurse each other's pups.
  3. Females nurse foreign pups for additional health benefits.
  4. Females feed foreign pups to discharge milk not drunk by their own.
  5. Inexperienced seals spontaneously give milk without reproducing, or because they have lost their young. In order to improve their mothering.

Dit onderzoek doen we tijdens onze observatie in de Dollard: de periode waarin gewone zeehonden hun pups krijgen. Er worden filmpjes gemaakt van de moeders die melk geven. Met photo identification kunnen we de verschillende pups herkennen.

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Philopatry in seals

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Philopatry means that an animal stays with a certain area or returns to it. In the study of Sealcentre Pieterburen about this topic, we examine birth philopatry. This means that the seal would return to their birthplace to breed.

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Research on birth philopatry

Our research team studies whether pups from the previous season return to the Dollard to breed and whether this also happens every year. Each seal pup is identified at birth. We do this with the photos we take every year of every seal that comes on the beach, so we can see if they have returned. This method is called photo identification.

Disturbance impacts the results

We also look at several factors that may influence this result. If a seal is severely disturbed several times by noise or dogs running loose, it may become stressed and remember that the place is not safe and therefore won’t return. This is also the reason why our research team does its research from a distance, behind a wall with holes in it. The seals do not see us.

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Field research into behaviour of seals

Knowledge repository

With the research we conduct in the field, we study and analyse the behaviour of seal mothers and pups in the wild. An example of this is our ongoing research in the Dollard area. On this page you learn everything about studying seals in the wild.

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Working with the tides

Met het veldonderzoek is ons team afhankelijk van eb en vloed. Onze onderzoekers zijn vier uur voordat het vloed is aanwezig bij de kijkwand. Met laagwater rusten zeehonden op drooggevallen zandbanken in de zee, maar als het vloed wordt verplaatsen ze zich naar de kust. Tijdens vloed zijn de zeehonden het beste van dichtbij te zien. Drie uur na vloed zijn ze klaar met observeren. Ze bestuderen in deze tijd het gedrag van de zeehonden.

Research equipment

Do you know what all the research team needs? The team carries various materials to make the investigation run smoothly. For example::

  • Cameras for the photo identification of seals
  • Lenses
  • Batteries and SD cards
  • Tripods on which the cameras can be placed
  • Field notepad and pens
  • Tides time table and weather forecast
  • A lot of patience

    They also take materials that can be useful when a seal needs to be taken care of after observation. The seal is then taken in a large basket. Below are the materials that are needed for a seal rescue:

    • Towels
    • Scrubs and overals
    • Jar, funnel, tubes, water, ORS
    • A scale
    • Blue spray to mark the pups (in the rest of the province Groningen the colour orange is used)
    • Plastic bags for rubbish
    • Gloves, masks and blue shoes

    Wrap-up observation day

    At the end of the day, the team returns to the Sealcentre to officially close the observation day. The collected data are transferred to a hard disk. All important events such as births, marked animals or pickups are written down in the notebook. Lastly, an update is given to the rest of the team.

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    How do you identify a seal?

    Knowledge repository

    There are two ways to identify a seal. The first way is the 'capture-mark-recapture' method. This involves capturing a seal and marking it with a spray. We prefer to avoid this method. Because capturing a seal is very stressful. Stress changes the seal's behaviour and thus the results of the study.

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    Foto identification of seals in the Dollard

    Our researchers therefore use the method photo identification. They take a photo of all seals coming out of the water. They do this immediately because the seal's fur is still wet. On the wet fur, the seal's pattern can be seen more clearly. For each photo, our researchers circle what strikes them most about the seal. Think patterns or scars. If the pattern matches photos taken before, we know it is the same seal.

    To make this process faster and easier, they work with programme Photo-ID. A photo of a seal is put into the programme. The programme examines this photo and recognises the seal's patterns. Then the photo is automatically matched to one of the seals in the list.

    Pattern is unique for every seal

    Below is an example of how we can recognise seals. Near the arrows are prominent spots. As you can see in the photo, the fur has changed colour, but the spots are still visible. The arrow below his flipper points to three dots that are the same in both photos. The arrow to his head indicates a kind of white spot with four dots. Besides the programme automatically recognising the photos, it is important for us to double-check for accuracy ourselves. After all, we already have 400 seals in the database.

    Hoe herken je een zeehond?

    Identifying a seal

    In the summer of 2021, there was a seal in De Onlanden – an area in the province of Drenthe. A special event, because you don't often see a seal in fresh water. After many hours of taking photos from a great distance, we managed to get a good picture of its tag number (this is on a small label on its rear flipper) and spot pattern. It turned out to be an old friend of us. The seal has a tag number 20-115. That's how we knew it was seal Thor. We also put the photo in the photo-ID programme. Through Bea and Marga's research, every seal that has been at the centre has been photographed.

    Zeehond Thor in de opvang
    Zeehond Thor in De Onlanden

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    Knowledge repository

    You have probably heard of the word 'albino'. Most likely, you think of white rats or white rabbits with red eyes. There are also people with albinism. But did you know that there are also albino seals? In this article you can read about what albinism means and what it looks like in seals.

    See also

    What is albinism?

    Albinism, the opposite of melanis , is a rare disorder in which little or no pigment melanin is made at all [1]. Without pigment, the skin color, hair and eyes look different. Usually, albino animals have red eyes and white fur, but that is not always the case. There are multiple forms of albinism with differences in hair, skin and eye color.

    As far as we know, we have treated at least seven albino seals in our Sealcentre. Seal Sealas the most recent case of this (2017). 

    Partially albino?

    We have had different forms of albino seals in the sanctuary. One of the variations is called ocular albinism. Seal Sealas is a good example of this. In ocular albinism, it is mainly the eyes that lack the pigment melanin. That is why these albino seals have red eyes, but no white fur, for example. The fur is lighter in color than that of the congeners.

    Albino zeehond in Pieterburen

    Albino seals are sensitive to light

    Albino seals are more sensitive to light and therefore behave differently. We saw the seal Sealas close her eyes above water to protect her eyes from the sun (see photo 4). The sun is dangerous for the sensitive skin and eyes of albino animals. It doesn't matter much for a seal to hunt, because seals hunt underwater and their whiskers are more important than their eyes. But above water, they are more at risk of sun damage.


    There is also leucism. In leucism, the pigment melanin is produced, but it is not expressed in the coat or skin. This means that only the coat is lighter in color and the eyes are normally colored. The eyes of these seals are in any case less sensitive to the sun than those of albino seals. In 2009, we captured a leucistic seal, appropriately named Golden Queen.

    Leucisme bij zeehonden

    Watch this video

    Would you like to see what an albino seal looks like? Then watch the video below of seal Sealas at our centre:

    1. Fertl, D., & Rosel, P. E. (2009). Albinism. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, 24–26. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-373553-9.00006-7 

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    The values of the Wadden Sea

    Knowledge repository

    The Wadden Sea is heritage. That means we think the area is important. It has a special value for us. We want to pass on the values of the Wadden Sea to future generations. So we want to protect the area. Do you? And why?

    See also

    • Zeehondenmoeder en pup

    • Wadden Sea

    • Zeehondenpup

    • Scholeksters

    What does the Wadden Sea mean to you?

    The Wadden Sea is extremely important to us. Not just because it is the habitat of the seals. But many other animals and plants also depend on the Wadden Sea. Furthermore many people depend on the Wadden Sea; they live on the coast or on the islands and eat the fish that are caught there. We also think the Wadden Sea is simply very beautiful. These are the values of the Wadden Sea for us.

    Many people find the Wadden Sea important. This differs per person: different people have different values. Some people find the Wadden Sea especially important because many birds make a stop in the Wadden Sea area on their migration from the Arctic to Africa. Other people especially like the wide landscape and walking in the mud. And other people find it very special that the landscape is constantly changing; after all, the Wadden Sea is different every hour.

    UNESCO World Heritage

    As so many people think that the Wadden Sea has special values, UNESCO recognizes the Wadden Sea as a World Heritage Site. This means that UNESCO believes that the Wadden Sea is important for everyone in the world: it has an Exceptional Universal Value. UNESCO has determined that by a criteria of ten points. The Wadden Sea meets the last three of those ten criteria.

    Criterion 8: Geological processes

    The Wadden Sea is constantly changing. Ebb and flow alternate: twice a day the Wadden Sea changes from sea to land and back again. Together with the wind, the tide ensures that sand and silt disappear in some places, while remain in other places. The tide makes the area very dynamic. Islands, sandbanks, arbours, channels, salt marshes and dunes are formed, shifted and broken down again. That process goes on constantly, in most places without human intervention. It happens almost nowhere in the world that an area can form itself in this way. It is very special that this is possible in the Wadden Sea.

    Criterion 9: Ecological and biological processes

    Many different plants and animals live in the Wadden Sea. Many of these plants and animals occur in large numbers. In other words, there is a large biodiversity and a large biomass. Many animal and plant species like places where two areas merge. In the Wadden Sea, land turns into sea and fresh water turns into salt. That is why many animals and plants feel like home there.

    The Wadden Sea is especially important for migrating birds who stop there during their journey from, for example, Greenland to West Africa. They find a lot of food here. The Wadden Sea is therefore also extremely important for life in other places in the world where other animal and plant species depend on these migrating birds.

    Criterion 10: Biodiversity

    Up to 10,000 species of plants and animals live in the Wadden Sea. Because there is so much food for birds, up to 6.1 million birds can live in the Wadden Sea at the same time. Up to 12 million birds pass through the area every year. In addition to having plenty of food, there is little disturbance to birds, allowing them to rest in peace during their long journeys from the north to the south of the planet and back again. Some species fly all the way from northern Greenland, Canada and Russia via the Wadden Sea to western and southern Africa, such as the Bissagos Islands in Guinea-Bissau and Banc d'Arguin in Mauritania.

    Did you know...

    The Wadden Sea is not only important for biodiversity in the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark, but The Wadden Sea is important for a huge part of the world? 

    Conservation of the Wadden Sea

    Because of these geological, ecological and biological processes and the large biodiversity and mass, UNESCO believes that the Wadden Sea should be protected. We wholeheartedly agree with that. The Wadden Sea is extremely important. Not only in itself, but also because many species and areas in other places on Earth depend on this area. In addition, attention to geological, biological and ecological processes and biodiversity is important for everyone important. After all, the existence of everyone in the world depends on it. Yet the Wadden Sea is still threatened in various ways. That is why we are committed to a healthy and sustainable future for the Wadden Sea.

    Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed. Waddenzee: Uitzonderlijke Universele Waarden (OUVs). 2019.
    Wadden Sea World Heritage. One Wadden Sea: One Global Heritage.

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    The seal virus

    Science institute

    Just like humans, seals can get sick from viruses. Some viruses only make seals temporarily ill, but some can be fatal. In the centre, we conduct research into the viruses that seals can carry with them, and — wherever possible — try to fight them.

    See also

    • Zeehondenvirusuitbraak

    • Vele dode zeehonden door zeehondenvirus

    • Uitbraak zeehondenvirus

    • Monster afnemen bij zeehond

    The seal virus

    One of the deadliest viruses is the Phocine Distemper Virus (PDV)This virus, also called the seal virus, is very contagious. It is transmitted when animals come into contact with each other or by virus droplets floating in the air.  

    Symptoms of the seal virus

    When seals are infected, they develop symptoms such as heavy breathing, coughing, fever, and problems with their nervous system. The virus also makes them more sensitive to other infections. Ultimately, PDV can result in death.

    Virus outbreak

    The seal virus caused a massive number of deaths among seals in 1988, and again in 2002. In 1988, more than half of the Dutch seal population died. Back then, the cause of the deaths was still unknown, so Lenie 't Hart asked virologist Ab Osterhaus to investigate it. That was when he discovered the phocine distemper virus (currently known as the phocine morbillivirus).

    In 2002, the virus struck again. And again, almost half of the seals in the Netherlands died. The seals that washed ashore were taken from the beach to a research laboratory in Groningen. More than 1200 dead seals were investigated for the cause of death on behalf of the Seal Centre. After fifteen years, the phocine distemper virus had returned. This means that there is a chance that another outbreak will occur in the future.

    Did you know...

    It is unknown how common seals (Phoca vitulina) first got the virus. One theory is that the virus comes from another seal species: the harp seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus). The harp seal is a species of seal that lives in the Arctic. There is a chance that these seals already carried the virus and passed it on to common seals.

    Finger on the pulse

    We think it is important to keep an eye on the seals in the wild. One way we do this, is by taking blood and saliva from every seal we rehabilitate. These samples are analysed by our veterinarians to check for virus particles. This way, we keep an eye on the health of the seal population in the Wadden Sea. It also aids us preparing for a possible new virus outbreak. 

    Watch a mini documentary below about how we monitor a virus outbreak in the Wadden Sea:

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    Antibiotic resistance in the Wadden Sea

    Science institute

    When you get sick from a bacterial infection, you can treat it with antibiotics. These are drugs that can kill bacteria. If antibiotics are used too often, bacteria can become resistant to them, making them less effective against infections. Our veterinarian Ana Rubio Garcia tests rescued seals for bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics. This research can tell us more about antibiotic resistance in the Wadden Sea.

    See also

    • Zeehondenmoeder en pup

    • Medicatie voor zeehonden

    • Onderzoek naar antibioticaresistentie bij zeehonden

    What is antibiotic resistance?

    If people use antibiotics too often and or/not properly, the bacteria they are supposed to treat can become resistant. This means that the bacteria are no longer sensitive to the drug—they won’t be killed by it anymore. This is very problematic. If it keeps happening, the chance of healing a bacterial infection becomes smaller and smaller. New medicines would have to be developed to fight these bacteria. That is why it is important to only use antibiotics when necessary.

    How does this end up in the Wadden Sea?

    There is a chance that antibiotic-resistant bacteria end up in the Wadden Sea. When people or animals are treated incorrectly with antibiotics, there is a chance that bacteria become resistant. When these bacteria leave our body, they get into the sewers through the water we use. From there, they can find their way into rivers and eventually the sea. For example, seals and other aquatic animals might come into contact with this type of bacteria.By examining these seals, we can monitor ifthere are antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the Wadden Sea.

    Onderzoek naar bacteriën bij zeehonden

    Bacteria in seals

    Ana wants to know if seals have bacteria in their bodies that are not sensitive to antibiotics. Her doctoral research (PhD) concerns the bacteria that are living in the seals gut.. As a part of her research, Ana investigates whether antibiotic-resistant bacteria are present among these gut bacteria.

    We carried out this research on 250 seals that we had in rehabilitation. With each intake, we took a sample from the seal’s anus with a cotton swab. The bacteria in this samplewere then grown in our laboratory and with the help of the laboratory CERTE in Leeuwarden, it could be determined if they were resistant to antibiotics and to which ones.

    Did you know...

    We work together with several parties to monitor antibiotic resistance in the Wadden Sea. The research is supervised by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University (UU) and the Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention of the University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG). Determining the type of bacteria and the presence of antibiotic resistance was done by the CERTE laboratory in Leeuwarden.

    Results of the research

    Ana's research shows various results. For example, seals have many of the same types of bacteria in their gut as humans. She also found very few bacteria that were no longer sensitive to multiple antibiotics. In other words: there were not a lot of antibiotic-multiresistant bacteria in the seals that were part of her study. That is good news!

    Antibiotic treatment in seals

    We also looked at what happens to a seal in rehabilitation if it needs antibiotics to treat an infection. When a seal receives an antibiotic treatment, the normal bacteria that live in their gut can also be affected by the antibiotic (this is also happening in other animals and in humans). Ana’s preliminary results showed that a few days after finishing the antibiotic treatment, the gut bacteria of seals that received antibiotic were not different that the gut bacteria of seals that di not need an antibiotic treatment. This could mean that the seals’ gut bacteria returned to normal after treatment. This is very striking, since the recovery of gut bacteria in humans can sometimes take months or years. At the moment there is still research going on to understand this better.

    The seal as bio-indicator for antibiotic resistance

    Seals could be considered an important bio-indicator for antibiotic resistance in the Wadden Sea—they show us how things are going with their environment. By continuing this research, we can keep an eye on whether or not the situation changes.

    Watch a mini-documentary below about how the centre monitors antibiotic resistance in seals:

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