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Sea lions (Otariidae)

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A family very close to seals (Phocidae) is the sea lion family. They may look very similar to seals at first glance, but there are big differences. Do you know the difference? On this page, you will get to know the sea lion family a little better.

See also

  • Zeeleeuwen

  • Zeeleeuw op strand

  • Zeeleeuwenpopulatie


The sea lion family is also known as eared seals. They derive this name from their auricles. In the scientific world, we call this family Otariidae. Like seals , sea lions belong to the order Carnivora, or carnivorous mammals. Bears, lions, wolves and walruses are also members of this order. Sea lions are carnivores. They hunt fish, crustaceans and shellfish in shallow coastal waters.

Sea lions, seals and walruses are often placed in a special group of marine mammals. This group is called the pinnepeds (Pinnipedia). You might have guessed it: this group gets their name from the shape of the legs. In these animals, the legs are very short, but with very long toes and fingers. This makes them look like they have fins.

How do you recognize sea lions

Sea lions are often confused with seals. Do you have any idea how you can actually distinguish a sea lion very easily? Their name (eared seals and Otariidae) kind of gives it away: the ears. You can see little auricles protruding from the side of their heads. Seals and walruses do not have these; they have holes as ears.

De lichaamsbouw van zeeleeuwen lijkt wel wat op dat van zeehonden. Ze hebben een lang lichaam met een grote borstkas. Ze zijn over het algemeen wat slanker gebouwd dan zeehonden, met een spitsere kop. De voorpoten van zeeleeuwen zijn een stuk langer dan die van zeehonden.

Sea lions can move a lot more smoothly over land than seals. This is because they can fold their rear flippers forward. By leaning on their front and rear flippers, they can simply walk on land. And when needed, for example to flee, they can even run quite fast!

You can usually clearly see the difference between males and females in adult sea lions. Males are a lot bigger, with a very large chest, thick neck and larger head. This distinct difference between males and females is called sexual dimorphism.

Did you know...

Sexual dimorphism can look very different in different animal species? In many birds, males are very colourful, while females have more camouflage colours. Also, it is not always the males that are bigger or more colourful than the females. In fact, many insect and spider species have larger, more colourful, or more venomous females.

Flying over the seabed

Sea lions are incredibly good swimmers. Just like other pinnipeds, for that matter. They just take a slightly different approach from seals and walruses. Seals and walruses use their hind flippers to gain speed and their front flippers to steer. Sea lions do the opposite.

Sea lions have very long front flippers. Instead of their rear flippers, they use these long front flippers to gain speed. They move their front flippers up and down, like wings. By doing this, they push themselves forward through the water. They then use their rear flippers to steer.

Because they swim this way, sea lions are a lot more agile than seals. But, they cannot swim as long and deep as seals.

Together in big groups

Sea lions are social animals: they often live together in huge groups. These groups are also called colonies. During the mating season, an entire colony often lies together on the coast. Within a colony, there are smaller groups consisting of a male and his harem. These harems can sometimes consist of dozens of females!

Especially when hunting, sea lions are a lot more social than seals. Sea lions often hunt schools of fish in groups. By working together, they can easily catch fish from schools. This is much more difficult for seals, which hunt alone.

Did you know...

Some sea lions are so good at hunting together that other animals take advantage of it too? Galápagos Sea Lions (Zalophus wollebaeki) go after whole schools of fish while hunting. Then birds, sharks and other sea lions often lurk as well. Once the Galápagos Sea Lions have chased the fish together, the other predators quickly snatch a few!

Where do sea lions live?

In the Pacific, sea lions are fairly widespread. They live mostly in tropical and subtropical seas (California and Galápagos, for example), but also in the more temperate and sub-Antarctic regions (such as South America and New Zealand).

Sea lions always mate and have their pups on land. Therefore, there are no species found in the Arctic. The only places in the Atlantic where sea lions live are the southern tip of the African continent, and along the South American coasts. So here in Europe, you cannot see sea lions in the wild.

How many sea lion species are there?

The family of sea lions (Otariidae) consists of 14 species in total. These are often divided into 2 groups based on their appearance. The fur seals or sea bears (Arctocephalinae) are slightly smaller and get their name from the longer fur around the chest and neck. In these animals, you can see an extreme size difference between males and females (sexual dimorphism). This group consists of eight species. The sea lions (Otariinae) are a bit larger, have smoother fur and have a somewhat smaller difference between males and females. This group consists of 6 species.

Did you know...

At the time of writing, there is an ongoing debate in science about the classification and designation within the sea lion family (Otariidae)? New analyses have shown that the division between fur seals (Arctocephalinae) and sea lions (Otariinae) is no longer correct.

However, this outdated division is still often used, as it is convenient to divide the sea lion family based on their external characteristics. Once a scientific consensus is reached, this article will be updated.

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Northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus)
South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis)
New Zealand fur seal (Arctocephalus forsteri)
Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella)
Galápagos fur seal (Arctocephalus galapogoensis)
Juan Fernández fur seal (Arctocephalus philippi)
Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus)
Subantarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus tropicalis)


Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus)
Australian seal ion (Neophoca cinerea)
South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens)
California seal ion (Zalophus californianus)
Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki)
New Zealand sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri)

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Walruses (Odobenidae)

Knowledge repository

A family close to seals (Phocidae) is the walrus family. In terms of behaviour and body shape, they are very similar to seals and sea lions. Yet many walruses have one very recognisable feature: their tusks. Read on to get to know walruses a little better.

See also

  • Walrus

  • Walrussen op ijs

  • Walrus op sneeuw


The family of walruses is also known in science as the Odobenidae . Like seals, walruses belong to the order Carnivora, the carnivorous mammals. This order also includes animals such as wolves, bears and lions.

Walruses are one of the three members of the Pinnipedia (pinnipeds). This group of mammals is special because they spend much of their lives in the water. Their front and hind legs have turned into fins after millions of years of evolution, allowing them to move very well in water. The other two members of this group are sea lions (Otariidae) and seals (Phocidae).

This family is a bit special because it only has one relative! It might be a bit confusing, but the only species in the walrus family (i.e. the Odobenidae) is the walrus (Odobenus rosmarus). All other species have unfortunately been extinct for a long time.

How do you recognize walruses?

Walruses, like other pinnipeds, have a large, rounded thorax. Their abdomen is relatively small, giving them a cone-shaped body. They have shorter front flippers than sea lions. Nevertheless, walruses can lean on these, allowing them to lift their head and thorax off the ground.

Walruses have a lot less fur than seals and sea lions. Adult males sometimes look as if they have no fur at all. To stay warm, walruses have a thick layer of blubber. It often looks like walruses have extremely many small rolls of fat, especially the adults.

The only species still alive today (Odobenus rosmarus) has very recognisable tusks protruding down from the upper jaw. Fossils of very old walrus species show that many of their extinct relatives also had tusks.

Walking and swimming

Walruses on land

Walruses, like sea lions, can fold their rear flippers forward. This allows sea lions to lift their entire body off the ground to walk. Walruses cannot do that: they are too heavy for that.

Walruses move over land by dragging themselves forward with their front flippers. In the process, they push off with their rear flippers. The belly does not come off the ground in the process, so it slides over the ground. On land, they are somewhat more clumsy than sea lions.

Walruses in water

The way walruses move in the water is very similar to how seals do. They use their rear flippers to gain speed, but do not hold them flat against each other. They paddle alternately with their rear flippers while moving the abdomen back and forth.

Happily together

Walruses are social animals. On land, they lie down together in very close groups to rest. They also like to swim in groups in the water. Outside the mating season, males and females will usually live separately from each other. Walruses are pregnant longer and take care of their pups a lot longer than seals and sea lions.

During the mating season, different groups of males and females come together in a large group. The males then fight each other for a piece of territory. These fights can be fierce.

Where do walruses live?

The only walrus species alive today is found around the Arctic. They need shallow water with a soft seabed to hunt well. Therefore, they usually do not go very far from the shore. Walruses often rest in groups on sandy or rocky shorelines, as well as on the ice.

Walruses also used to occur a lot further south. Archaeodobenus, a primordial walrus, lived around Japan about 6 million years ago. At the same time, species also lived around California, such as the Gomphotaria. It seems they all lived in the northern hemisphere, as did the only surviving species.

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True seals (Phocidae)

Knowledge repository

What is a seal? What do seals look like and do you know how they differ from sea lions? How many species of seals are there and where do they live? On this page you will learn more about the seal family.

See also

  • Gewone zeehond - Moeder zoogt pup

  • Gewone zeehond in de Waddenzee

  • Seals


The group of animals that we call true seals are all members of the family Phocidae .

Pinnipedia (pinnipeds)

Seals are mammals that live in the ocean, also known as marine mammals. Together with the family of sea lions and the family of walruses they are placed in a special clade of marine mammals. This clade consists of so called pinnepeds (Pinnipedia).

Pinnipeds got their name from the shape of their flippers. These animals have very short flippers, but with very long fingers and toes. This makes it look as if they have fins.


Seals belong to the order of mammals that mostly eat meat: CarnivoraThis order also includes animals such as bears, lions, wolves, sea lions and walruses .

Did you know...

Seals do not spend all their life in the water? The land is where they rest, warm up, mate and birth their pups. That is why we call them semi-aquatic: spending a part of their lives on land and in the sea!

Seals are carnivores, which means that they must eat other living animals to survive. They often eat fish, crustaceans and shellfish. Some species can eat very small animals such as krill. Others hunt for even bigger prey such as birds and other mammals.

How do you recognise seals?

You can partially recognize seals by their special physique. They have a long body with a broad chest and a small lower body. This gives them a streamlined, cone-shaped body. Their flippers are very short and wide and they have five digits which are webbed. This makes them perfectly suited for aquatic life.

How do seals differ from sea lions and walruses?

Sea lions and walruses have similar physiques and adaptations, so what makes seals stand out? First of all, seals’ hind flippers cannot be folded underneath their body to walk on. Sea lions and walruses are able do this, which it easier for them to "walk" on land.

Seals have to hobble on their bellies to move on land. The way in which seals move is also referred to as caterpillar-like motion.

Another difference are their ears. Sea lions have small external ear flaps. Seals don't have such visible ears, they have ear holes on the side of the head.

Did you know...

That most seal species are larger than sea lions and walruses? The largest seal is the southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina). Male southern elephants can weigh up to two tons!

Like a duck takes to water

Seals are strong swimmers. They have to be, as seals spend a lot of time in the water. In general seals can stay underwater for a longer period of time than sea lions and walruses. To hunt for food, some seal species must be able to dive very deep.

A seal has a special way of swimming. To speed up, seals swim with their hind flippers by holding them flat against each other and moving them quickly side to side. You could compare this to how fish swim. Fish also whip their tail to the side to move through the water. The front flippers are a lot smaller than the back flippers. They also don't use it to move forward, but to steer.  

Did you know...

The northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostrisis a champion in deep diving? They have reached depths as great as 1500 meters. In these depths they hunt for prey such as squid and other deep sea animals. Northern elephant seals can hold their breath for a very long time: almost 2 hours!


Most seal species live a solitary lifestyle. This means that they prefer to do almost everything on their own. The only exception is during the mating season, because then the animals congregate in large numbers to birth pups and mate. When mating season is over, the seals moult together, after which they each go their separate ways.

You can see seals resting in groups on beaches and sandbars, but that does not mean that they like to be together. Because seals are less agile on land, they cannot run away from large predators. Therefore, when the seals are on land it is safer for them to be with other seals. Additionally, often times there is not enough space to lie far apart so they are “forced” to be closer than they would want to.

Where do seals live?

Seals can be found in every ocean of the world. They often live along the coasts or on the ice of the North or South Pole. There is even a species of seal that does not live in the sea, but in the freshwater Lake Baikal in Russia! Each species is adapted to live in certain areas and not one seal species can be found all over the world.

Did you know...

There are two seal species living in the Netherlands? The common seal (Phoca vitulina) and the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus).

How many seal species are there?

The true seal family (Phocidae) is often divided into two subfamilies: northern seals (Phocinae) and southern seals (Monachinae). The group of northern seals consists of ten species. The southern seal group is made up of eight species. Worldwide there are a total of eighteen different seal species.

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Northern hemisphere seal species

Bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus)
Hooded seal (Cystophora cristata)
Harp seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus)
Ribbon seal (Histriophoca fasciata)
Baikal seal (Pusa sibirica)
Ringed seal (Pusa hispida)
Caspian seal (Pusa caspica)
Largha seal (Phoca largha)
Common seal (Phoca vitulina)
Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus)

Southern hemisphere seal species

Leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx)
Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii)
Crabeater seal (Lobodon carcinophaga)
Ross seal (Ommatophoca rossii)
Northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris)
Southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina)
Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi) Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus)

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Seals belong to the order Carnivora. This is a special group of animals within the class Mammalia (mammals). Carnivora are mammals that are specialized in eating other animals, better known as carnivores.

See also

  • Zeeleeuw

  • Wasbeer

  • Sneeuwluipaard

Did you know...

When scientists study the evolution of certain species, it helps to divide them into categories. This categorization is called classification or taxonomy. For example, the scientific classification of the common seal (Phoca vitulina) is this:

Domain (Eukarya) -> Kingdom (Animalia) -> Phylum (Chordata) -> Class (Mammalia) -> Order (Carnivora) -> Family (Phocidae) -> Genus (Phoca) -> Species (Phoca vitulina)

Ancestors of the Carnivora

Millions of years ago, dinosaurs were the dominant animals on Earth. During that time there were mammals, but their fossil records showed that they were the size of tiny shrews. They specialized in living nocturnal lives, a feature that mammals still have to this day.

The first mammals ate insects in order to survive. After the massive extinction of the dinosaurs there was room for mammals to expand and evolve. This resulted in various mammals with all kinds of specializations. This gave rise to the specialization of eating meat; the birth of the order Carnivora.

Miacis Congitus

The oldest Carnivora fossils that have been found are from the Miacis congnitus. These predators somewhat resembled modern civets with their long, agile bodies and long tails. Miacis most likely lived in trees and ate small invertebrates, reptiles and birds. They lived during the late Paleocene and early Eocene epoch (62 – 34 million years ago). All modern Carnivora descend from these prehistoric animals, including seals.

Phocidae: the pinnipeds

Do you want to learn more about the evolution of the seal family? Check out our page on the evolutionary history of the Phocidae.

How do you recognize Carnivora?

They are mammals

All the Carnivora are mammals (Mammalia). This means that they nourish their offspring with milk.

They are viviparous

All Carnivora are 'viviparous’. This means that they develop their offspring in the placenta inside the uterus of their mother and give birth to "living” young.

Large skull

Carnivora have a relatively large skull with a large cranium. They have large brains and are considered to be intelligent animals. In general Carnivora have somewhat rounder heads than other mammals. These rounder heads ensure that their eyes are well positioned for hunting other animals.

Position of the eyes

The shape and position of their eyes are striking. Carnivora have relatively large eyes that are close together. Because both their eyes face forward, Carnivora such as seals have a very good depth perception. This is extremely important for carnivores. After all, in order to hunt other animals they must be able to see exactly how far away their prey is.

Sharp teeth

But the easiest way to recognize Carnivora is by their teeth. Because Carnivora eat meat, their teeth have been adapted to killing and eating animals. They have large, pointed canine teeth and sharp, serrated molars. This helps carnivores to cut muscles and tendons and even crack bones.

Did you know...

That Carnivora does not have the same meaning as carnivores?

Carnivora and carnivores

Thes two words can be confusing, because they seem very similar. They do not have the same definition.

The Carnivora are an order of mammals that are adapted to eating meat. To survive, they must kill animals or find carcasses. When talking about Carnivora we are talking about the classification of carnivores in relation to other mammals. Examples are wolves, lions and seals.

But these mammals are not the only animals that eat meat. If an animal's diet consists mainly of meat, we are talking about a carnivore diet. Birds of prey, crocodiles, Tyrannosaurus rex and seals are therefore all carnivores.

How can you live on meat alone?

To eat and digest high-fiber plants (such as grass) you need an extremely long and complex digestive system. This is because plants are very difficult to digest and that take a lot of time. They also have very few nutrients, therefore herbivores are almost constantly eating.

Meat, on the other hand, is easier to digest. Carnivora therefore have very short, simple digestive systems. Meat is also very rich in energy and protein, so they can spend less time eating compared to herbivores.

But depending on energy alone is not enough to survive. As you may know, animals also need vitamins, fats and minerals. Therefore, Carnivora not only eat the meat from their prey, but also their organs, fat, skin and sometimes even their bones. It contains all the nutrients an animal could wish for. Seals, for example, swallow many of their prey whole. Skeleton and everything else.

Did you know...

That the seal is the largest predator of the Netherlands?

Do Carnivora only eat meat?

Not always. There are species that eat almost exclusively meat, but there are also Carnivora with a mixed diet. Yet we still call them carnivores, because their bodies are mainly specialized in eating and digesting meat.


If the diet of a Carnivora consists of at least 70 percent meat, we call them hypercarnivores. Ze kunnen ander voedsel slecht of niet verteren. Zeehonden en de andere Pinnipedia are hypercarnivores. They only eat meat, so no plant materials.


There are also Carnivora with a mixed diet. If they consume meat for less than 30 percent of their diet, we call them hypocarnivores. They often eat mushrooms and fruit in addition to meat. These contain little fiber and a lot of sugars and proteins, so they are quite easy to digest for Carnivora. Brown bears (Ursus arctos) are known hypocarnivores. For their hibernation they have to build up a lot of reserves. That is the reason why they eat everything they come across.


In between the hyper- and hypocarnivores you have so-called mesocarnivores. Their diet consists of 50-70 percent meat. Many canids are mesocarnivores. They mainly eat meat, but they can also digest certain plants as long as they don't contain too much fiber.

Did you know...

The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is a bear species from the order Carnivora that eats almost exclusively high-fiber bamboo? If you look closely at the teeth of a giant panda, you will see that the serrated molars are a lot flatter than those of other Carnivora. This helps the panda to crush these woody plants.

Families in the order Carnivora

Within the order Carnivora there are 16 families and 296 species. The families are divided into two suborders : the Caniformia and the Feliformia.


The suborder Caniformia consists of nine families:


The suborder Feliformia consists of seven families:

  • Felidae (felines)
  • Eupleridae (Madagascarian carnivorians)
  • Herpestidae (mongooses)
  • Hyaenidae (hyenas)
  • Nandiniidae (African palm civets)
  • Prionodontidae (Asiatic linsangs)
  • Viverridae (civets and genets)

Did you know...

That the largest species within the order of Carnivora is the southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina)? These seals can be more than 6 meters long and weigh 3,700 kilos!

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Seals in fresh water

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As the name suggests, seals live in salt water. Nevertheless, it sometimes happens that we receive a report of a seal in an area with fresh water. Such a report often comes in with the question: "Isn't that a bad thing?"

Luckily, that is not the case. A seal mainly needs fish to survive and they are also in fresh water. There are reports of seals in the Utrecht canal, the Schildmeer and in the major rivers. Seals are smart. They usually find their way back. 

See also

  • Zeehond in zoet water

  • Zeehonden in De Onlanden, Drenthe

Influence of fresh water on health

Seals don't necessarily need to be in salt water to survive. Unlike other marine animals, they are not very sensitive to the salinity of water. It is true that after a while their eyes can get irritated. Apart from that, seals can survive in fresh water for a while. As long as there's plenty of fish to hunt.

Reports of seals in fresh water

The two most recent cases reported to us are seals Hulcky and Thor. We took Hulcky from the Veluwemeer when it turned out that she was suffering from a lungworm infection. She was taken in at the Sealcentre and eventually released back into the sea.

Seal Thor was just seen in the fresh water of De Onlanden after we had caught and released him. Thanks to its tag and its spots on fur, we were able to recognize that it was this specific seal. After a while he found his way back on his own.

Since March 2012 we have had more reports:

  • March 2012: common seal near Goudswaard, South Holland.
  • December 2012: common seal in the Biesbosch.
  • December 2012: common seal in the Schildmeer, Groningen. The animal seemed to swim back and forth between the Schildmeer and Farmsum.
  • January 2013: common seal in the Meuse near Dreumel.
  • April 2013: common seal in river Hunze in Drenthe, moved on by itself.
  • December 2013: common seal in the Schildmeer, Groningen. Unknown if it was the same seal. The animal was seen with fish in its mouth.
  • August 2015: ringed seal in Utrecht canals, collected at seal sanctuary A Seal in Stellendam.
  • October 2015: common seal in Biesbosch.
  • March 2016: common seal in the Maasplassen near the Weerd in Roermond.
  • November 2016: common seal “Hulcky” spotted in Veluwemeer.
  • August 2021: common seal Thor spotted first in Peizerdiep, later in De Onlanden.

Seal species in freshwater

The seal species that occur in the Netherlands all live in salt water. But there are seal species in the world that actually live in fresh water. There are five in total. These populations probably became separated from the sea long ago.

It concerns the following five species:

Lake Iliamna, Alaska Phoca vitulina mellonaea freshwater subspecies of the common seal.
Lake Baikal, Siberiia Pusa sibirica, Baikal seal , a separate species. Also the smallest seal species.
Lake Ladoga, Russia Pusa hispida ladogensis, freshwater subspecies of the ringed seal.
Lake Saimaa, Finland Pusa hispida saimensis, freshwater subspecies of the ringed seal.
Lac des loups marins, Quebec Phoca vitulina mellonae, a freshwater subspecies of the common seal.

Bron: Van Lanen, 2012

Were there more seals in fresh water in the past?

It is believed that more seals visited the Dutch inland waterways in the past, but that has decreased in the last century.

The construction of flood defenses in all major rivers in the Netherlands has probably contributed to this. Because of all the locks, dikes and scuppers, it is quite difficult for a seal to find an easy way to inland. Sometimes seals find a way, but they get lost along the way and can't find their way back. If those animals do not receive enough food, then action must be taken to help them return to the sea. In other cases, seals seem to know very well how to move between sea and lake.

The seal that has already been seen a number of times in the Schildmeer, for example. It was first seen at Farmsum, then at Schildmeer. To get to that lake, the seal first had to swim through a channel to the south, and then swim into a small drainage channel. When the animal was later spotted again at Farmsum, it seemed that the animal knew what it was doing. A year later another seal was seen in the Schildmeer.

It has been said by several people that the seals may be able to learn how locks work.

Water quality deteriorating: less fish means fewer seals?

Due to industry, agriculture and waste water from households, the water quality has deteriorated rapidly in the last century. Due to the deteriorating quality of the freshwater ecosystem, many freshwater bodies became uninhabitable for certain fish species. As a result, diversity in many freshwater bodies also declined sharply. As mentioned before, seals need a lot of fish to survive. If that fish is not there, a seal will not easily choose to hang out in such an area.

Improving water quality + opening rivers for more fish: more seals in the future?

In the past few years, a lot of work has been done to improve the water quality. And that will continue. Various projects are also being developed to increase the species richness in Dutch waters. For example, by leaving the sea locks ajar and creating fish passages in dikes, it is hoped that migrating fish species will return to the Dutch interior. With this return, they hope that the ecosystem will improve.

Perhaps with this improvement we will encounter more seals in Lake Veluwe in a few years? 

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Grijze zeehonden in de duinen

Grey seal

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Scientific name: Halichoerus grypus
Family: Phocidae
Size: male: 2.70 meter; female: 2.00 meter
Weight: male: 310 kilos; female: 190 kilos
HabitatNorth Atlantic Ocean to the Baltic Sea
Endangered status: not endangered

See also

  • Grijze zeehond moeder en pup

  • Grijze zeehond moeder en pup

  • Grijze zeehondenpup

  • Grijze zeehonden in duinen

"Because of its striking nose, the grey seal is sometimes also called "sea pig."

External features of the grey seal

The grey seal has an elongated snout. This is flat from the forehead to the tip of the nose. This makes them a bit like a "real" dog. In addition, the adult males have a very bulbous nose, which is especially striking when you look at them from the side.

Did you know...

The literal translation of the grey seal's scientific name means "hook-nosed sea pig?

The nostrils of the grey seal are large, round and set wide apart. They do not run towards each other, but are straight apart. This has no other seal species and it gives grey seals a sort of pig nose. That's where their scientific name of the grey seal, Halichoerus grypus, comes from which means: "hook-nosed sea pig".

It is a fairly large seal species. An adult male living in the seas of Europe grows to about 2.7 meters in length and can weigh up to 310 kilograms. Adult females are much smaller. They grow to about 2 meters in length and weigh up to 190 kilos. Grey seals in the western Atlantic tend to be quite a bit larger. They sometimes grow up to 3 meters in length and can weigh up to 400 kilos.

Did you know...

The largest grey seal ever measured was 3.30 meters long?

Gender differences

Males are much larger than the females. They usually have a much thicker neck than the females (often with scars from fighting with other males). In addition to size, there are major differences in appearance between males and females in grey seals. The term used in science for this is sexual dimorphism.

They also have a different colour. Adult males have dark brown to black fur with some light spots here and there. The females are much lighter brown or blonde in colour, with dark spots. If a seal's fur is completely black, it is called melanism. This is pretty rare.

Distribution and status

Grey seals live in groups on the coast of the Western Atlantic Ocean in the Northern hemisphere through to the Baltic Sea. The seals of the Atlantic Ocean have probably had no contact with the seals that live in and around the Baltic Sea for thousands of years. That is why we also speak of two “subspecies”. Each of these species has its own scientific name.

  • Halichoerus grypus atlantica (in the Atlantic Ocean)
  • Halichoerus grypus grypus (in the Baltic Sea)

They are usually found on rocky shores, beaches, sand banks, islands and even - far enough north - on ice floes. Grey seals share their habitat with many other animal species, for example the common seal (Phoca vitulina).

Grey seals have been an endangered species for many years. Due to centuries of hunting by humans, grey seals had completely disappeared in some areas of the world. In the Netherlands, this species had been gone for hundreds of years before they came back in the eighties. In most of Europe they are still a protected species.

Did you know...

There are two types of seals living in the Netherlands. The grey seal and… Do you know the other one? You can find them here.

Grey seals in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, grey seals can be seen along the entire coast. Most are in and around the Wadden Sea. A smaller group of seals live in the south of the country, in Zeeland. Here, too, they share these areas with common seals.

The grey seal here is doing better now. In 2021, there were 6,788 animals in the Netherlands. This is almost twenty percent more compared to the previous year. There are more and more grey seals worldwide. According to the 2016 IUCN Red List, there were approximately 316,000 adult grey seals. They therefore have the status "not endangered", this is mainly because they are a protected species in many countries.

Diet and foraging

Grey seals eat anything. Depending on where they live and which prey is most present at that time. They're not that p. They eat Atlantic fish species, squid and crustaceans. A few grey seals have also been seen eating birds or even young seals and porpoises.

When looking for food, they usually dive for 4 to 10 minutes, but sometimes they search for up to 30 minutes. While the average dive goes to a depth of 60 to 100 meters, dives have also been measured from 200 meters deep.

Behavior of grey seals

Like other seal species, grey seals only search for food. Although grey seals often rest in large numbers on the coast in some places, they are not seen as very social animals. They usually try to avoid social contact. Except when females feed their pups or during the mating season.

Hier in Nederland zijn er niet echt hele grote groepen met grijze zeehonden. Ze rusten in kleinere groepen op zandplaten of stranden. Elk jaar aan het einde van het voorjaar komen er grotere groepen grijze zeehonden samen om te verharen. Ze raken dan hun wintervacht kwijt. Ze liggen dan een aantal weken wat meer op land. Op het land raken ze de haren makkelijker kwijt. En daar komt bij: het zonlicht is goed voor de nieuwe vacht.

Voortplanting bij grijze zeehonden

Mating behaviour

The female is ready to mate a few days after giving birth. During the mating season, adult grey seals gather on shore or on pack ice to reproduce. The males then compete for females. They do not defend a territory or harem like sea lions. Instead, they fight other males to mate with certain females.

Although their fights seem vicious, grey seals don't fight to the death. Usually, they don't get hurt very badly. Instead, they fight until someone is too tired or realizes they've lost. The strongest males can mate with up to 10 females.

Diapause and pregnancy

The fertilized egg is not moved to the uterus until three to four months after the moment of fertilization. This is called diapause. After that, a grey seal is eight months pregnant. In the time between fertilization and pregnancy, the female must gain a lot of weight. So when her new pup is born, she can take good care of it.

Did you know...

Grey seal pups born with white fur?

Grey seal pups

Grey seal pups are born in winter. Female grey seals give birth to one pup on land or ice. Pups weigh between 11 and 20 kilos at birth and have a white coat in the first few weeks. We call this baby coat “lanugo”. It sometimes takes up to three weeks for the puppy to lose all its white hair, but it usually disappears within a few days.

Birth and nursing period

The nursing period lasts about three weeks. During this time, the pup will gain four times its weight. This is due to the fatty breast milk, which contains approximately 43% fat in grey seals. Because the female has to stay with her pup a lot, she has little time to eat and she loses a lot of weight. Female grey seals sometimes weigh as much as 40% less after this period.

After 3 weeks of nursing, the mother has no breast milk left. She leaves her pup and is not coming back. The first few days the pup will stay on land, because the lanugo coat is not suitable for swimming. The pup will not eat. They then begin to lose the white fur and lose weight until they are finally ready to enter the water.

Then they learn to hunt for themself. Without help from the mother: natural instinct takes over. It is not for nothing that the grey seal is the largest predator in the Netherlands.

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Knowledge repository

Plastic waste does not always stay the same. A plastic bag floating in the sea will break down into smaller pieces. Due to contact with UV light from the sun and the weather, nothing will remain of this bag, but it will disintegrate into an uncountable number of microplastics [1]. We call something macroplastic if you can see it with the naked eye, such as the plastic bag. The plastic bag continues to chip and break down until it is so small that the plastic particles are no longer visible to the naked eye. Plastic that is less than 5 mm in size is called microplastic.

See also

  • Microplastic

  • Ernstige gevolgen van plastic afval

  • Plastic afval

Microplastics in drinking water

It's a big problem if you can't see such incredibly small plastic. People and animals can eat or swallow plastic without realizing it. Unfortunately, there are not yet any water treatment plants that can filter the microplastics out of the water.

Research into drinking water in European cities shows that there is microplastic in our drinking water: 72.2% of the 18 tested drinking water locations contained plastic fibers [2]. That meant that the drinking water consisted of 4.5 fiber per 500 ml of water. The conclusion is that we may be drinking water with plastic particles without realizing it.

Microplastics in household items

A lot of microplastic also ends up in our water through our households. Care products such as shampoo, sunscreen, toothpaste or shower gel may contain microbeads.

Did you know...

You also add microplastics to the water when you wash synthetic clothing? About 63% of our clothing consists of a mix of natural and synthetic fibers [3]. A wash of 5 kilos releases between 600,000 and 17,000,000 of these plastic microfibers [4]. 

Microbeads are small plastic granules that act as a scrub (see Figure 4). When used, these plastic balls wash away into the sewer system via the shower or sink.


Figure4. You see microbeads, the blue plastic balls, that are in a scrub. Source foto: MPCA Photos – microbeads-plastic-particles © ©

From microplastic to nanoplastic

Microplastic can further break down into nanoplastic through weathering. Nanoplastic is smaller than 100 nanometers. It is so small that there is a chance that this plastic will enter your body cells and end up in various organs (5).

Perhaps the very little can be detrimental to your health. Microplastics and nanoplastics can carry chemicals and pathogens. Too little research has been done to know what consequences this may have for our health.


  1. Wageningen World (2016).Ons plastic is zoek. 13.
  2. Synthetic polymer contamination in global drinking water– Kosuth, Wattenberg, Mason, Tyree, Morrison. (2017).
  3. Synthetic fibers – Disasterous for humans and oceansPlastic Soup Foundation
  4. De Falco, F.; Gullo, M.P.; Gentile, G.; Di Pace, E.; Cocca, M.; Gelabert, L.; Brouta-Agnésa, M.; Rovira, A.; Escudero, R.; Villalba, R.; et al. (2018).Evaluation of microplastic release caused by textile washing processes of synthetic fabrics.  Pollut., 236, 916–925.
  5. Nanoplastics gevaarlijkerdan microplastics (2014) Ingrid Zeegers. Magazine over de zee, link >>

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Causes of plastic soup

Knowledge repository

De mens is de veroorzaker van de plastic soep. Wij maken de plastic producten die uiteindelijk in de natuur belanden. Wist je dat 80% van het afval in zee van het land komt? [1]. Via verschillende omwegen zoals de wind, riolen, grachten of rivieren komt het afval uiteindelijk terecht in zee. 

See also

  • Plastic afval

  • Plastic afval

  • Plastic zwerfafval van land naar zee

The image shows that a small part of our waste ends up directly in the sea. Most plastic takes a longer route to end up in the water. So something you throw on the street in the city can still end up in the sea.

Plastic pollution for years

Plastic in the sea is (unfortunately) nothing new. Plastic waste has been ending up in the sea for decades. And this will only get more. Every year, 8 billion (!) kilos of plastic waste is added to the sea [2]. Scientists estimate that there are already 150 billion kilograms of plastic in the oceans [3]. At the same time, the world is producing more and more plastic: in 1964, 15 billion kilos were made and in 2014 this had grown to 311 billion kilos of plastic [4].

More and more

So if nothing changes, there will only be more plastic waste in the sea. The shocking prediction of researchers is that if we do not change anything, the seas will consist of more plastic than fish by weight by 2050 [5].

Disposable plastic

The most common plastic waste in the sea is products that you use every day. A striking feature of all these products is that they are single-use plastic: plastic that is thrown away after one use. Figure 3 shows the top 10 most common marine debris. What objects do you sometimes use?

Top 10 plastic afval

Figure 3: The top 10 most common types of marine litter, by numbers. Bron:

Plastic is part of our society

We live in a world where it is unthinkable to live without plastic. Packaging, clothing, cars, care products, electronics: almost everything is (partly) made of plastic. Now it sounds like if plastic is only bad, but did you know that this material also has a lot of georteen? 

Plastic material:

  • Is cheap,
  • Is versatile,
  • Can be used for many years,
  • Is quite strong [6].

It is precisely these advantages that are also the disadvantages of plastic. Recycling of plastic happens far too little. From 1950 to 2015, only 9% of plastic was given a new life and the rest was landfilled or incinerated to generate energy [7, 8]. In addition, recycling means postponing throwing away a product. This is because used plastic will deteriorate in quality if you want to make it into a complete product again [8].

Plastic can last a lifetime. Plastic that is not recycled can last for hundreds of years and can last even longer if it breaks down into smaller pieces, known as microplastic. Some plastics can even last up to 600 years! [9] If plastic remains floating in the sea for so long, it will continue to pose a threat to marine life now – and in the future.


  1. R. Jambeck et al. Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean. Science, 13 february 2015.
  2. World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey & Company, The New Plastics Economy– Rethinking the future of plastics (2016), Bladzijde 17.
  3. Ocean Conservancy and McKinsey Center for Business and Environment,Stemming the Tide: Land-based strategies for a plastic-free ocean (2015).
  4. PlasticsEurope, Plastics – the Facts 2013 (2013);PlasticsEurope, Plastics – the Facts 2015 (2015).
  5. Projections for 2015 and 2025 based on Ocean Conservancy, Stemming the Tide (2015)
  6. World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey & Company, The New Plastics Economy – Rethinking the future of plastics (2016),
  7. Production, use, and fateof all plastics ever made – Geyer et al (2017)
  8. Strategy on plastics in the circular economy (2017)European Parlement.
  9. NOAA / Mote Marine Lab. Approximate Time it Takes for Garbage to Decompose in the Environment.(2017). Available at this link >>

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Plastic soup

Knowledge repository

An island has emerged in the Pacific Ocean from about 79,000,000 kilograms of garbage that floats together. It concerns an area that is 3 times the size of France! This plastic collection in the sea was first called the plastic soup. 

See also

  • Plastic in sea

  • Plastic zwerfafval op het strand

  • Verzamelde plastic tijdens beach clean-up

Who discovered the plastic soup?

In 1997, ocean scientist Charles Moore sailed from Hawaii to Southern California, taking a different route than usual. It passed through a "gyre" in the North Pacific Ocean, as you can see in the picture below. A "gyre" is a large circular motion of the sea water caused by the rotation of the earth in combination with certain ocean currents You can compare it with a tornado under water: a gyre has the same rotating movement and the suction force pulls the floating plastic towards itself.  

Charles saw pieces of plastic floating past here every day. He went on an investigation and discovered that a larger amount of plastic floated in this place than in other places in the Pacific Ocean. He also saw that the plastic here not only floated on the water, but also floated under water. Charles called this discovery the "plastic soup", a word that is still known around the world today. 

De North Pacific Gyre

The North Pacific Gyre is where Charles Moore discovered and described the plastic soup. Source: Fangz

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Bearded seal

Knowledge repository

Scientific name: Erignathus barbatus
Family: Phocidae
Size: 2 - 2,5 meters
Weight: 250 – 300 kilos
Habitat: Arctic
Endangered status: not endangered

See also

  • baardrob

"Bearded seals get their name from their... moustache!"

External characteristics of the bearded seal

Do you know how the bearded seal got its name? Bearded seals have a bunch of thick and long whiskers. When these are dry, the ends of these whiskers curl. It looks like they have a thick moustache.

Bearded seals have a broad head that appears a bit flat when viewed from above. Their eyes are relatively small and close to eachother. They have a large, broad muzzle with the cheeks appearing to droop a little. Their nostrils are wide apart and quite large1,3.

The head is quite small in relation to their body. Bearded seals have a large, long body. Adult animals are between 2 and 2.5 meters long, with an average weight between 250 and 300 kilograms3.

Gender differences

The females sometimes grow a bit larger than the males. But otherwise the females and males are difficult to tell apart. They both have a gray-brown color, sometimes with a rust-colored head and flippers. Because their fingers are all the same length, bearded seals' flippers appear almost square in shape. The nails are wide and short1,2.

Did you know...

Did you know: If there is iron in the seabed, some seal species can develop a rust-colored coat on the head and flippers. This is quite common in bearded seals, but also the common seal (Phoca vitulina) here in the Netherlands sometimes has this!

Distribution and status

Bearded seals are members of the family true seals (Phocidae), and belong to the subfamily of northern true seals (Phocinae). They live in the Arctic. Their remote habitat and way of life make it very difficult to conduct long-term research. As a result, little is known about their behavior.

This seal species has two subspecies. The Eastern bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus barbatus) and the Western bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus nauticus). The first one lives in the Atlantic part of the North Pole. The Western bearded seal also lives in the North Pole, but on the Pacific side1.

It is estimated that there are more than 500,000 bearded seals. They are considered non-threatened, but global warming is causing significant changes in their habitat1. They depend on sea ice during mating season, so its reduction is disadvantageous to the bearded seal population. So they are not in trouble yet. But melting ice caps will mean less and less space for bearded seals to mate and nurse pups2.

Diet and foraging

Bearded seals mainly hunt benthos. Benthos is a collective name for organisms that live in and on the seabed. Their diet is varied. They eat crabs, shrimps, shellfish, squid and fish. They prey on these animals in shallower waters, usually diving around 100 meters deep. Younger, less experienced animals sometimes go a lot deeper (up to 450 meters). Bearded seals can stay underwater for 25 minutes, but most dives don't last more than 10 minutes3.3.

Behaviour of the bearded seal

Bearded seals are not very social. They prefer to spend their time alone. Females also like to be alone when they have and nurse their pups. However, it is not strange to see them lying next to each other on the ice. They prefer not to go into the water during moulting. Then they can often be found in small groups on the ice.

Bearded seals rest close to water. They do this so that they can flee quickly if necessary. So the best places to rest are along the water's edge on the pack ice, on ice floes or around breathing holes on the sea ice3.

Did you know...

Did you know that bearded seals prevent their favorite breathing holes from freezing? They do this by scraping the ice with their short but strong claws. 1

Reproduction in bearded seals

Little is known about this species, both about mating behaviour and about the period of birth. For example, we don't know how long the pregnancy of bearded seals lasts.

Mating behaviour

When they are between 5 and 7 years old, bearded seals become sexually mature. That means that they are adults and can therefore have pups.

Bearded seals mate in the water. Because of this, little is known about their mating behaviour. We do know that males “sing” during the mating season. They do this to attract females and to scare off other males. Their singing usually consists of sharp, whistling sounds. These start very high and then become lower in pitch3.

Birth and nursing period

The pups are born between March and early May on ice floes in shallow water. The pups are around 1.30 meters at birth and then weigh an average of 35 kilos. They have dense, light gray fur and a layer of subcutaneous blubber.

Did you know that most bearded seal pups enter the water with their mother within a few hours of birth? They probably do this to avoid polar bears in the area3.

During the nursing period, the pup spends about half of the time on the ice sleeping. The rest of the time, mother and pup will be in the water together. So bearded seal pups learn to swim and dive from their mother, something most other seal species do not do3.

The milk that the pup gets from the mother is about 50 percent fat. This helps the pup gain weight quickly. The nursing period lasts between 18 and 24 days. At the end of this period, the bearded seal pup can weigh 100 kilos. So pups gain 60-70 kilos in this short time! The mother then leaves her weaner to mate2,3.

Enemies of the bearded seal

Bearded seals are often on the menu of polar bears. Orcas, Greenland sharks and even walruses also sometimes hunt young bearded seals.

These seals are also hunted by humans. Traditional seal hunting is an important source of food, fuel and equipment for native people.

Bearded seals were also hunted commercially in Russia. Between 1950 and 1960, more than 10,000 bearded seals were killed. That has now been greatly reduced. Now only a few hundred animals are allowed to be killed each year. However, the only sources on this are from the Russian government, so it is not clear whether these numbers are correct and whether those rules are also being followed3,4.

1 (Shirihai & Jarrett, 2021 [2006])

2 (NOAA, 2022)

3 (Kovaks, 2018)

4(Cameron et al., 2010)

On this page

  • Classification

  • Characteristics bearded seal

  • Gender differences

  • Distribution and status

  • Diet and foraging

  • Behaviour of the bearded seal

  • Reproduction in bearded seals

  • Enemies of the bearded seal

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