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An update about the injured grey seal pups


We currently have several injured grey seal pups in our seal hospital. They need extra medication, extra examinations or surgeries to survive again in the wild soon. We would like to tell you how they are doing now.

See also

  • Bibble

  • Codie

  • Sophronia

  • Witje

  • Jutter

  • Lophi

Bibble underwent surgery on his hindflipper last Sunday, because his toe had to be amputated due to a severe infection. The surgery went well, and Bibble is now recovering in Phase 1. He is still a bit quiet, probably due to the pain from the surgery.

Codie and Sophronia are recovering well and are in Phase 2 together. Codie's eye has been removed and the surgical wound is as good as healed. Sophronia's deep neck wound and damaged eye are clean and almost healed.

Codie in een Fase 2-verblijf

Codie in Phase 2

Witje had a swollen flipper and a damaged eye, both of which have healed. He also has pebbles in his stomach, but doesn't seem to be bothered by them, and they are decreasing. This is normal in some other seal species, so we are keeping an eye on it. We also sedated Witje yesterday to remove a loose tooth and cleaned the wounds in his mouth for healing. He is now recovering in Phase 1.

And then there is Jutter. Jutter has many issues, including multiple fractures, swallowing and stomach problems, and possibly a bone infection in his hind flipper. Unfortunately, we keep discovering more issues almost every check-up. Yesterday, we started feeding him fish, as salmon porridge doesn’t provide enough nutrients long-term. If this doesn’t go well, humane euthanasia may be the best option, as he is suffering from many issues and we cannot maintain his condition without proper feeding. The feeding is going reasonably well so far, and if this continues, we will reassess the bone infection in a week and adjust treatment accordingly.


We’d like to end with good news: thanks to your support, Lophi has fully recovered from his eye surgery and is being released back into the wild today! This is why we do it!

Will you help support the injured pups? We receive no government funding, so every cent goes directly to seal care. You can donate via this page or by adopting a seal.

On this page

  • Habitat

  • External characteristics of the common seal

  • Voeding & foerageren

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Rare melanistic seal surprises team


We have a remarkable pup in its care: Ebbie, a melanistic grey seal. Melanism is a rare phenomenon in which animals are completely black due to an overproduction of the pigment melanin. In seals, this is very rare, making Ebbie a unique appearance. The last time the Sealcentre took in a melanistic seal was in 2017.

See also

Ebbie was brought into the Sealcentre on 3 January, when she was estimated to be between seven and 10 days old. On arrival, she still had her white birth coat (lanugo), like all newborn grey seal pups. Much to the surprise of the caretakers, a pitch-black seal emerged under the white baby fur last week.

What is melanism?

Melanism is the opposite of albinism; where albinism lacks pigment, melanism actually has an excess of melanin, resulting in a completely black colour. Although melanism occurs in several animal species, it is very rare in seals.

For a seal in the Netherlands, black fur has no advantages or disadvantages. Seals are at the top of the food chain in the Wadden Sea and have no natural predators, so their colour does not affect their chances of survival.

Did you know...

you can symbolically adopt Ebbie? By doing so, you support her recovery and get a beautiful adoption certificate with a picture of her on it.

Adopt Ebbie

For the vets too, the animal is no different from other puppies. ‘For us, it makes no difference. As far as we know, melanism does not affect the seal's health,’ explains Ana Rubio-Garcia, Head of the Veterinary, Care & Research Departments at Sealcentre Pieterburen. ‘It just makes her a particularly beautiful appearance.’

Ebbie was harassed

Ebbie was rescued from a beach in North Holland on 3 January because she was being harassed by beachgoers and dogs. Stranding coordinator Emmy Venema: ‘It was an unsafe place for her, but moving her would mean we might unintentionally take her away from her mother. That's why taking her in was the only option.’

At her intake, Ebbie appeared alert and active, although she did have some injuries and scars. The Sealcentre is carefully monitoring Ebbie's health and development and making sure she receives all the necessary care to regain full strength. As soon as Ebbie is strong enough and can catch her own food, she will be released into her natural habitat.

Watch Ebbie and other pups live 24/7

The Sealcentre has been temporarily closed to visitors since 6 January to get ready for the move to Lauwersoog. To watch Ebbie anyway, the centre has a livestream of Binnenbad where she and some other pups can be seen 24/7.


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Alarming: number of entangled seals doubled in 2024


More and more seals are becoming entangled in litter. The Seal Response Team, set up by the three seal rescue centers in the Netherlands, received as many as 77 reports of entangled animals in 2024. This is more than double the 38 sightings in 2023.

See also

It was actually because of the rising numbers of entangled animals that the Seal Response Team was established in 2022, an initiative of the three Dutch seal centers - Ecomare, Zeehondencentrum Pieterburen and A Seal. This team of specially trained animal carers and vets is committed to freeing entangled seals and increasing their chances of survival.

Numbers that set off alarm bells

The figures for 2024 show a worrying pattern: there were 77 reports of an entangled seal. One seal managed to free itself. For 30 animals, seal guards were able to intervene at the scene and immediately free the animals from their predicament.

31 animals were not found after the first report. The situation of these seals is unknown. Seven seals did not survive the entanglement. Four seals were in bad shape, but were given a second chance at one of the shelters.

Pup Balloon got tangled up in a wishing balloon

A poignant example of this is seal pup Balloon, who was found without a mother while she was sucking on the sharp cord of a wishing balloon. The seal guard was able to remove it from her throat on the spot, but she was taken to seal centre Pieterburen for check-ups.

She had not suffered any permanent damage and could be released healthy after several months of care.

Why this increase?

The biggest cause of entanglements are so-called ‘ghost nets’: pieces of fishing net that come loose and float in the sea. This happens when nets snag on an underwater object and tear. Although fishermen, beach cleaners and diving initiatives such as Duik de Noordzee Schoon play an important role in removing this waste, there is still a lot left behind. This waste poses an ongoing risk to seals and other animals.

Prevention is the first step

While freeing entangled seals is vital, the core of the solution lies in prevention. Prevention of marine litter, combined with initiatives to actively remove litter, is essential to reduce entanglement rates.

The 2024 increase stresses that we cannot wait any longer. The Seal Response Team is calling for more awareness and concerted efforts to make the seas cleaner and safer for seals and other animals.

The Seal Response Team in action

The Seal Response Team was set up to provide immediate assistance to entangled seals. As these animals are often less mobile, the chances of finding them near previous reports remain high. The team sails out to these locations several times a year to free the seals.

Dependent on donations

The Seal Response Team can only continue its valuable work with the help of donations and gifts. To continue rescuing seals in need in 2025, every contribution is of great significance. Both small and large donations help the team sail out and provide vulnerable animals with the care they desperately need. Together, we can make a difference for entangled seals.

Support the Seal Response Team

Did you know...

the Seal Response Team depends on donations? Any contribution, big or small, is welcome. Will you help the team to continue saving seals?

Support the team

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New YouTube series takes audience through move


After 53 years, an era came to an end last Sunday: Sealcentre Pieterburen is closed to visitors. As of now, the centre is preparing for its upcoming move to the WEC (Wadden Sea World Heritage Centre) in Lauwersoog. To take the public through this special period, a 16-part YouTube series called ‘Behind The Seals’ will soon be released.

See also

The seal center's relocation is getting closer and closer. On 5 January last, the centre closed its doors in Pieterburen. Preparations for the move to Lauwersoog are already under way. An important historical event, but also a huge logistical operation. At the WEC, the new seal hospital becomes part of a wider experience on the importance of the Wadden Sea as a World Heritage Site.

The ‘Behind The Seals’ series captures the relocation and move-in phase of the WEC on film. In 16 weeks - and thus 16 episodes - we work towards the grand opening of our new location on 25 April 2025.

Wonderful addition to the YouTube livestream

After popularity broke loose in Japan in August with the livestream of seals, the YouTube channel has grown tremendously, to more than 400,000 subscribers. The channel therefore lends itself well to launching the 16-part YouTube series on it. Together with Playback Images, which among other things made the two-part series ‘The Seal Mystery’ for FryslânDOK, the whole thing will be recorded.

‘We are extremely excited to join forces with the Sealcentre and WEC for a special YouTube series about the goings-on behind the scenes,’ says Bas Bakker, producer and managing partner of Playback Images.

Watch the teaser

16-part YouTube series

From 15 January, a new episode will be released online every Wednesday at 12:00 on the Sealcentre's YouTube channel. In total, the series has 16 episodes that include a behind-the-scenes look at the seal centre and the setting up of the WEC.  

'The series is a great way to capture the move. It gives us the opportunity to properly portray the expertise of our seal center during this period and stay in touch with everyone who supports our work,' says Marco Boshoven, manager of marketing at Sealcentre Pieterburen.

Joining the seal care staff, the reason why seal care is needed and the possibilities of the WEC for its visitors and the Sealcentre are portrayed. Producer Bas Bakker: ‘It is very special that we can look over the shoulders of the employees at such close quarters at this stage with a camera team. This weekly series will be subtitled in several languages and with this we hope to reach and serve a regular group of viewers around the world.'

From 15 January, follow the YouTube channel of Sealcentre Pieterburen to follow the move closely.

To YouTube

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Laatste kerstvakantie in Pieterburen


Er is een bijzondere tijd aangebroken in Pieterburen. Het is de laatste kerstvakantie waarin men het Zeehondencentrum kan bezoeken op de plek waar het begon, voordat het centrum op 6 januari 2025 zijn deuren sluit. Daarna verhuist het zeehondenziekenhuis naar Lauwersoog, waar vanaf 26 april 2025 een nieuw hoofdstuk begint in het WEC (World Heritage Centre Waddenzee). 

See also

Het is het einde van een tijdperk. Na meer dan een halve eeuw in Pieterburen, verhuist het iconische Zeehondencentrum naar een nieuwe locatie. Het centrum begon in 1971 als een kleine zeehondenopvang voor zieke zeehonden. Door de jaren heen werd de Zeehondencrèche van Lenie ‘t Hart een begrip onder zowel Nederlandse als internationale bezoekers.

Van heinde en verre kwamen bezoekers naar het hoge Noorden om de unieke zeehondenzorg te aanschouwen. Pieterburen werd een symbool voor zeehondenbescherming en natuureducatie, en inspireerde generaties om zich in te zetten voor het behoud van de natuur.

Laatste kans om achter de schermen te kijken

Deze kerstvakantie biedt het Zeehondencentrum een unieke en laatste kans om afscheid te nemen. Bezoekers kunnen voor de allerlaatste keer in Pieterburen genieten van een rondleiding langs de zeehonden, terwijl ze alles leren over de bijzondere zorg die deze dieren hier krijgen. Daarnaast worden er speciale afscheidsactiviteiten georganiseerd voor bezoekers in de laatste weken. Na de sluiting komen er nog speciale afscheidsdagen voor dorpsgenoten, donateurs en betrokkenen.

Bovendien blijft Zeehondencentrum in Pieterburen tijdens de sluiting actief als opvanglocatie, waar de zorg voor verzwakte zeehonden onverminderd wordt voortgezet tot de verhuizing. Van 6 januari tot 25 april richt het centrum zich daarnaast op de verhuizing en de voorbereidingen voor de feestelijke opening van de nieuwe locatie.

Laatste pupseizoen in Pieterburen

De verhuizing betekent ook dat momenteel het laatste pupseizoen in Pieterburen plaatsvindt. Sinds twee weken is het geboorteseizoen van de grijze zeehond in volle gang. Dat betekent dat ook de eerste verweesde zeehondenpups in Pieterburen worden opgevangen. Met name door de storm van het eerste weekend van december raakten gezonde pups hun moeder kwijt. Zonder moeder kunnen ze niet overleven.

De eerste grijzezeehondenpup van het seizoen is Willem. Ze spoelde aan op de dijk in Den Helder, uitgeput en alleen, nadat ze vermoedelijk door een storm van een zandplaat bij Texel was geblazen en haar moeder was kwijtgeraakt. Het jonge dier, slechts een paar dagen oud, had haar navelstreng nog en meerdere verwondingen.

Samen met zes andere zeehondenpups krijgt Willem intensieve zorg en zet ze kleine stapjes richting een onafhankelijk leven in de natuur. De pups krijgen geleidelijk de kans om hun zwemvaardigheden verder te ontwikkelen en zelfstandig vis te eten. Dit zorgproces duurt twee tot drie maanden, waarbij het alleen in de kerstvakantie nog zichtbaar is voor bezoekers in Pieterburen.

Een nieuw begin in Lauwersoog

De afgelopen decennia groeide het Zeehondencentrum uit tot een toonaangevend zeehondenziekenhuis van Europa en het is in de afgelopen jaren steeds meer geprofessionaliseerd. Bovendien leidde het Zeehondenakkoord van 2020 tot een aangescherpt beleid op het gebied van zeehondenopvang. Deze nieuwe koers, maar ook ontoereikende faciliteiten in Pieterburen, leidde ertoe dat een verhuizing noodzakelijk was.

Vanaf 26 april opent het Zeehondencentrum in het WEC, een nieuw centrum in de haven van Lauwersoog. Dit sluit beter aan bij de missie van het centrum: het beschermen van zowel zeehonden als hun leefomgeving. Het WEC biedt daarom een interactieve tentoonstelling over de Waddenzee, een modern zeehondenziekenhuis en faciliteiten voor educatie en onderzoek. Het uitzicht op UNESCO Werelderfgoed de Waddenzee maakt een bezoek aan het WEC tot een unieke ervaring.

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Willem: the first pup of the winter season


Sealcentre Pieterburen took in Willem this weekend, the first grey seal pup of this season. The young pup was found alone and exhausted on the Den Helder dike on 6 December. She was probably separated from her mother by the storm. She can still be visited in Pieterburen for just under a month before the Sealcentre moves to Lauwersoog.

See also

  • Zeehond Willem

  • Willem

  • Zeehond Willem

  • Zeehond Willem

On 6 December, a report came in to the Sealcentre of a washed-up seal on the Den Helder dike. "Seal guards saw her crawling out of the water alone and heavily tired, so she was probably washed off a sandbank near Texel," explained stranding coordinator Emmy Venema. "The umbilical cord was super fresh, she had just been born and probably washed off the bank by the strong currents." As no mothers normally come to this place either, rescue was necessary for survival.

Visit Willem in Pieterburen

Willem was probably only a few days old, as her umbilical cord was still present at the time of pick-up. She was severely weakened and had painful wounds around her vaginal area. After her rescue, she was taken to Pieterburen, where she is now receiving intensive care and medication to recover.

Because pups in the wild depend on their mother and her milk for 2.5 weeks, it is important that Willem recovers well and strengthens sufficiently before being released. Pups usually stay at the rehabilitation centre for two to three months. Willem, along with other rescued seals, can still be visited in Pieterburen until 6 January 2025.

The last pup season in Pieterburen

This pup season is extra special as it is the last to take place in Pieterburen. The Sealcentre will soon close its doors at this location and move to the WEC (Wadden Sea World Heritage Centre) in Lauwersoog. Here, the seal hospital will become part of a special experience: an interactive exhibition that takes you on a voyage of discovery throughout the Wadden area.

For visitors, this is the last chance to experience the Pieterburen rehabilitation center as it has been known for decades. Until 5 January 2025, the last day of the Christmas holidays, people can still visit to see pups like Willem up close and say goodbye to a unique place that has played an important role in caring for these animals.

Zeehond Willem


The name has a special meaning, explains Venema. "Willem is named after seal guard Willem Stel, who recently passed away. He devoted more than 35 years to protecting seals and our Seal Centre. With this name, we honour his tireless work and passion for these special animals."

The importance of rest for seal mothers and pups

Grey seals give birth to their pups during this period. The mothers only have a short period to feed their pups, during which they grow from around 10 kilograms at birth to sometimes up to 50 kilograms at weaning. It is therefore crucial that seal mothers and their pups are given rest and space.

Do you see a seal on the beach and doubt her health? Keep your distance and call 144. The report will be routed to a regional centre, where experienced seal guards will assess the situation and provide assistance if necessary.

The Sealcentre remains committed to reducing the number of seals in distress and calls for cooperation to better protect these animals.

Want to contribute to Willem's recovery? Adopt her here.

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Seal Kiwi returned to the center after being disturbed by humans


The famous seal Kiwi was taken in yesterday for the second time this year at Sealcentre Pieterburen. Because of a lungworm infection, he had been under observation at the center and its seal watchers for weeks. However, his rest was disturbed by beach visitors to such an extent that hospitalization was necessary. 

See also

It is something the Sealcentre Pieterburen prefers not to do: take in a seal - let alone for the second time. Since the 2020 Seal Agreement, there has been a cautious approach to rehabilitating seals. Ideally, the seal recovers by himself in its natural environment.

Beach visitors disturb seals

In the case of Kiwi, too, every effort was made to avoid rehabilitation. He had been observed on the beaches of North Holland for weeks because of concerns about his health. Although the Seal Agreement requires people to keep 30 meters away from a seal, the seal center received many reports of people coming near Kiwi. Therefore, specialized seal watchers moved Kiwi several times to a quieter spot.

With increasing regularity, the seal center receives reports of disturbances by humans. In these cases, not only is the distance of thirty meters exceeded, but the seal is touched, petted or even lifted. However, this human intervention causes so much stress that it damages the animal's health or - in the case of pups - causes a mother to abandon her baby.

Kiwi werd al weken geobserveerd door zeehondenwachters.

This is why Sealcentre Pieterburen is urging people to always stay at a great distance from seals. Not only is it harmful for the animals, but it can also be dangerous for humans. Seals can bite and transmit diseases. In addition, there are fines for approaching seals.

Short of breath and lost a lot of weight

During observation, it was already determined that Kiwi probably had a lungworm infection. This is a common infection in young seals because their immune system is not yet sufficiently resistant to it. In most cases, they are able to recover from this on their own. However, some of them get so sick that they cannot survive without help.

Kiwi during his second intake last Sunday, Nov. 3.

The symptoms are shortness of breath, a bloody mouth and weight loss. Kiwi was so short of breath last Sunday that it was decided to take him to Pieterburen. He had also lost 10 kilos since his release in July. Kiwi is expected to take two to three months to recover.

Kiwi is famous and loved

Seal Kiwi was the first pup of the common seal's birthing season brought to the seal center in April. He was found on April 15, prematurely born and orphaned, making him the earliest pup ever. The center cared for him intensively until he was strong and large enough to return to the sea in mid-July.

Kiwi was just a few days old during his first intake in April.

With his white, spiky coat and matching name, Kiwi made a big impression both nationally and internationally. The puppy was symbolically adopted en masse by concerned followers and quickly went viral on TikTok. Even the American TV show Good Morning America paid attention to the news.

On this page

  • Habitat

  • External characteristics of the common seal

  • Voeding & foerageren

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Wij zoeken kinderen voor de WEC Kinderraad!


Is jouw kind tussen de 7 en 12 jaar oud en woonachtig binnen een uur van Lauwersoog? Dus woon je in provincie Groningen of Friesland? Of op Schiermonnikoog of Ameland? Dan zijn wij op zoek naar jouw kind. Wij zoeken enthousiaste kinderen die willen meedenken en meehelpen om het WEC dé plek te maken voor alle kinderen.

See also

Wat houdt het in?

De WEC Kinderraad biedt kinderen de kans om samen met leeftijdsgenoten het WEC nóg leuker te maken. Ze gaan meedenken over activiteiten, testen nieuwe ideeën en leren van alles over de natuur en de Wadden. Jouw kind kan ons helpen om van het WEC een plek te maken waar kinderen zich thuis voelen, leren, spelen, ervaren en het Waddengebied ontdekken.

Wat krijgen ze ervoor terug?

  • Als een van de eersten de WEC experience beleven.
  • Toffe kennisevents, zoals een bezoek aan het zeehondenziekenhuis en een outdoor-experience waarbij we het Wad ontdekken.
  • Een exclusieve WEC-hoodie met een gave zeehondenprint.
  • Een gratis eenjarig lidmaatschap van ons kinderambassadeursprogramma.
  • Gratis entreetickets voor het WEC voor jouw gezin.
  • Toegang tot de exclusieve kinderopening van het WEC in april 2025 met 1 ouder en 2 vrienden.
  • En nog veel meer leuke extra’s!


Waarom een WEC Kinderraad?

In het WEC staat de ervaring van kinderen centraal. Daarom willen we samen met hen aan de slag om onze activiteiten en aanbod nóg beter aan te laten sluiten bij hun belevingswereld. Als lid van de WEC Kinderraad denkt je kind mee over onderwerpen zoals:

  • Het ontwikkelen en testen van de WEC Experience.
  • Het ontwerpen van nieuwe educatieve materialen en borden met verhalen.
  • Meedenken over leuke buitenactiviteiten.
  • Ideeën voor speciaal aanbod in onze winkel en horeca voor kinderen.
  • Marketing en communicatie gericht op kinderen.
  • De kinderopening van het WEC en nog veel meer!

Practical information

  • We zoeken kinderen tussen de 7 en 12 jaar.
  • Er is plek voor ongeveer 30 kinderen.
  • De Kinderraad loopt in het schooljaar 2024/2025 en eindigt in juli 2025.
  • We vragen zoveel mogelijk aanwezigheid, maar het is geen probleem als je kind een keer iets mist.
  • We selecteren op basis van motivatie en kunnen helaas niet elke aanmelding opnemen in de WEC Kinderraad.

Sign up

Is jouw kind enthousiast? Stuur ons dan een korte motivatie waarin duidelijk wordt waarom jouw kind in de WEC Kinderraad wil! Dit kan via een kort filmpje, tekening, berichtje of een andere creatieve vorm! Aanmelden kan door een mail te sturen naar Voeg je motivatie als bijlage toe! Aanmelden kan t/m woensdag 30 oktober. Uiterlijk maandag 4 november maken we de WEC Kinderraad bekend.

Let op: Hou zaterdag 9 november alvast vrij in je agenda, dan trappen we de WEC Kinderraad af met onze eerste bijeenkomst bij het WEC in Lauwersoog.

We kijken ernaar uit om samen met je kind aan de slag te gaan en zijn of haar ideeën tot leven te brengen. Meer weten of heb je nog vragen? Neem een kijkje bij de veelgestelde vragen.

On this page

  • Habitat

  • External characteristics of the common seal

  • Voeding & foerageren

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Raise your voice against trade in seal products in EU


The unthinkable may come true again: products made from seals in European shops. There has been a European ban on the trade of seal products since 2009, but there is a serious chance that this ban will soon be lifted. Fortunately, we can make our voices heard!

See also

Quick history

We cannot imagine it, but for a long time, seal fur and other seal products were just lying around in European shops. In 1983, Europe issued a directive against commercial imports of products from harp seals and hooded seals.

From an animal welfare perspective, a European ban on seal fur and other seal products was implemented in 2009. Many European countries already had national bans in place at that time. Partly because populations were declining, and partly because seal pups were brutally bludgeoned to death - to keep their fur as beautiful as possible.

Fifteen years later, the debate unfortunately flares up: should this ban stay?


Since mid-May, the ban has been under review by the European Commission. This is in response to concerns from Finnish and Swedish fishermen. They argue that too many seals are eating too many fish, to the detriment of fisheries.

The evaluation consists of three parts:

  1. Consultation with relevant EU countries and stakeholders
  2. Public consultation to find out what citizens think
  3. Call for submission of evidence

How can I help?

Number 2 is especially important, as public consultation allows citizens to have their views heard. So a great opportunity to make a difference!

How does it work?

  • Go to website van de Europese Commissie
  • Scroll down and click on the yellow button "Respond to the questionnaire"
  • Fill in the questionnaire. Because it can be complicated, you'll find an example here .
  • Please do so by Wednesday, August 7, 2024.
  • Thank you!

Every vote counts!

On this page

  • Habitat

  • External characteristics of the common seal

  • Voeding & foerageren

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Nederlandse zeehonden gaan viral in Japan


Sinds donderdagmiddag weten de medewerkers van Zeehondencentrum Pieterburen niet wat hand overkomt. Duizenden mensen uit Japan bekijken de livestream van het Golfbad, waar elf zeehondenpups zwemmen en zonnebaden. En dat allemaal door één post op platform X. 

See also

Afgelopen donderdag deelde het Japanse X-account @hokahoka_times de livestream van Zeehondencentrum Pieterburen met de tekst: “Laten we met z’n allen 24 uur kijken naar een zeehondencrèche in Nederland.” Daar geven de Japanners massaal gehoor aan. Het bericht is inmiddels 30 duizend keer gedeeld en heeft 14 miljoen mensen bereikt. 

Duizenden kijkers 

Zeehondencentrum Pieterburen moest ondertussen even schakelen. Opeens keken er honderden kijkers op de livestream, werd de website populair in Japan en kwamen er Japanse donaties binnen. Vooral de porties vis waren populair. “Het kwam goed uit dat de zeehonden net werden gevoerd, zodat de kijkers in Japan konden zien dat hun donaties goed terechtkomen”, vertelt Marco Boshoven, woordvoerder van het Zeehondencentrum. 

Aan het einde van de dag leek de populariteit af te nemen en de medewerkers gingen rustig slapen. Totdat vroeg in de ochtend bleek dat de livestream ontplofte. Er kijken 5 duizend mensen, allemaal even enthousiast over de zeehonden. Mensen haasten zich aan de andere kant van de wereld naar huis om te zien hoe de zeehonden in Pieterburen gevoerd of gewogen worden. 

Liefkozend worden de zeehonden “theeblaadjes” genoemd door de Japanse kijkers. In Japan zouden verticale theeblaadjes in je theekopje geluk brengen. Drijvende zeehonden doen hen hieraan denken. Mede daarom wordt de zeehond geassocieerd met geluk. Het verklaart waarom de livestream zo veel mensen blij maakt. Bovendien wordt er al heuse fan art gemaakt in de vorm van illustraties. 

Elf zeehondenpups 

De livestream van Zeehondencentrum Pieterburen bestaat al sinds 2019. Via de website en YouTube kan iedereen meekijken naar het grootste bad van het centrum, het Golfbad. Vanwege het pupseizoen – en daarmee veel verweesde pups in de opvang – zijn er momenteel veel zeehonden te zien. 

De zeehonden in het Golfbad zitten in de laatste fase van hun verblijf, fase 3. “Zij zijn bijna sterk genoeg om terug te gaan naar de Waddenzee. Vorige maand zaten hier nog twee zeehondenpups, inmiddels zitten er in dit bad al elf. Dat is natuurlijk extra leuk om naar te kijken.” 

Fan art door @kusunohasawa

Fan art door @kusunohasawa

Fan art door @mochitapu

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