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Adopt a seal

In our specialised seal hospital, we work daily to rehabilitate weakened seals so that they can safely return to the Wadden Sea. Right now, several animals could really use your support. Together, we can make a difference for these precious animals!

What is a symbolic adoption?

With a one-time donation of €50, you support the seal of your choice and contribute directly to his or her recovery. As a thank you, you will receive:

  • A personalized adoption certificate
  • After the release you will receive an email with photos and a video
  • Also available as a gift

Would you prefer to adopt exclusively so you can give a name to the seal and go along with its release? Read more.


Date rehabilitation: 10-01-2025
Location: Vlieland
Tatsumi was only a week old when he was found alone on Vlieland. After a 24-hour observation period, he was brought to the Sealcentre on January 10. He had lost weight in those 24 hours. This is a sign that no mother had been around to feed him. Unfortunately, Tatsumi was too young to survive without his mother. Will you help Tatsumi grow big and strong so he can return to the Wadden Sea?


Date rehabilitation: 04-02-2025
Location: Groningen
This is Croissant! Croissant was found near Eemshaven in Groningen. When he was still lying there three days later and his condition had worsened, we decided to take him in. Once in Pieterburen, it turned out that he not only had a lungworm infection, but also a serious infection in a toe. To prevent the infection from spreading, we had to amputate the toe. Croissant is now recovering from the surgery. Will you contribute to Croissant's recovery?


Date rehabilitation: 13-12-2024
Location: Noord-Holland
Avocado was brought to us on 13 December due to a severe lungworm infection. She also had multiple wounds on her head and flippers. After two weeks in the centre, she was moved to a separate unit due to a fracture in her right front flipper so that she could be monitored extra closely. After a month and a half of extra rest and examinations, her flipper had recovered enough to move to Phase 2. Will you help her extra in the final weeks of her recovery?


Date rehabilitation: 27-01-2025
Location: Terschelling
Cerisier (formerly named Bibble) was found on the beach near West aan Zee with a deep and open wound to his flipper. X-rays were immediately taken at intake and repeated two days later. The bone in his toe is exposed and infected. This forced us to surgically remove the toe to prevent the infection from spreading further through the body. Surgery always entails risks, but we take all measures to make the procedure as safe as possible. Would you like to contribute to Cerisiers recovery?


Date rehabilitation: 09-01-2025
Location: Noord-Holland
Codie was found in the ferry port of Den Helder (North Holland). Her right eye was so badly damaged that we decided to bring her immediately to our center for medical care. A week and a half after being admitted, her eye was surgically removed. The operation went well and the wound is healing properly. Slowly, food and swimming are being resumed until she is strong enough to return to the Wadden Sea. Will you contribute to Codie's recovery?


Date rehabilitation: 16-12-2024
Location: Noord-Holland
Gewone zeehond Kai werd op 16 december aangetroffen op het strand in Camperduin. Zijn zware ademhaling wees op een mogelijke longworminfectie. Na een periode van observatie bleek helaas dat zijn toestand verslechterde, waarop hij naar het Zeehondencentrum werd overgebracht. Daar krijgt Kai nu de nodige medicatie en zorg om te herstellen. Help mee aan zijn herstel en terugkeer naar de Waddenzee!


Date rehabilitation: 03-01-2025
Location: Noord-Holland
Ebbie was rescued from a beach in North Holland on 3 January because she was being harassed by beachgoers and dogs. It was an unsafe place for her, but moving her would mean we might inadvertently take her away from her mother. For a pup about a week old, taking her in was the only option in this case. When Ebbie started losing her baby white coat, she turned out to have melanism! Under her white fur, a completely black seal emerged, which is rare. Will you help make Ebbie big and strong so she can return to the Wadden Sea?


Date rehabilitation: 07-12-2024
Location: Noord-Holland
This is grey seal pup Eileen. After stormy weather, she washed ashore in North-Holland, where she crawled out of the water, completely exhausted. She was likely blown off a sandbank by strong winds and high tides, becoming separated from her mother. Her umbilical cord was still present, indicating that Eileen was only two to four days old. A pup this young cannot survive without its mother. That’s why we decided to take her in. Will you support Eileen so she can grow big and strong?