Symbolic adoption of a seal
Symbolic adoption of a seal
As the most advanced seal hospital in Europe, we see different types of patients. Geen enkel dier blijft permanent in de opvang. De zeehonden die bij ons in het centrum kun je op verschillende manieren helpen. Een bijzondere manier om dat te doen, is een adoptie. Een adoptie draagt een belangrijk deel bij aan het herstel van een zeehond. Visit this page to see which seals can be symbolically adopted.
Adoption certificate with photo
Information about the adopted seal
Photos of the release sent by email
You can save points to attend a seal release. A full points card (10 points) allows you to join for free!
The costs of an adoption are €50,-
Why adopt a seal?
The total cost of a full rehabilitation period liggen per zeehond rond de €4.500. Als adoptant help je mee aan het herstel van een zeehond. Het Zeehondencentrum ontvangt geen subsidies en is volkomen afhankelijk van giften, donaties, adopties, entreegelden en nalatenschappen. Met deze steun kunnen wij zeehonden in nood blijven helpen.
Exclusive adoption
When you choose an exclusive adoption, you can give the seal a name and join the release! After you have adopted the seal, others can symbolically adopt the seal that you named as well. Of course you help your seal enormously with an amount of €500. See below what else an exclusive adoption contains:
Name the seal
Adoption certificate with photo
Information about the adopted seal
Visit your adopted seal
Join the release of your seal
Boat tickets for 2 person
The costs of an exclusive adoption are €500,-
Full adoption
Make a full adoption with your company or as an individual. With this adoption, you support the full recovery of a seal. This costs a total of €4500. Will you help preserve the seal and the Wadden Sea?
Naming the seal
Adoption certificate with photo
Information about the adopted seal
Visit your adopted seal
Release the seal yourself by boat
Boat tickets for 25 people
Guided tour behind the scenes
Social sharing for companies
Updates and photos per mail
The costs of a full adoption are €4500,- excluding VAT.