Give a portion of fish
These seals are currently being cared for at the Sealcentre. You can support them by donating a portion of fish. Did you know that a seal eats an average of 5 kilos of fish a day? With your donation, the seals can regain strength to return to the Wadden Sea.

Date rehabilitation: 05-01-2025
Location: Terschelling
Ziggy has been at our center since 5 January, making him in care longer than average. When he was found, as a small pup about seven to 10 days old, his back flipper was so swollen that care was the only option. Despite eating well and growing well, there are still concerns about his ankle. Therefore, he has already been moved from Phase 2 to Phase 1 and back a few times. He will receive intensive care until he can safely return to the Wadden Sea. Would you like to help Ziggy? Adopt him symbolically and contribute directly to his recovery. (Photo: Lisa Rademaker)

Date rehabilitation: 07-03-2025
Location: Terschelling
Op 7 maart werd Brandy gevonden met een diepe wond aan zijn flipper. Hij had dringend zorg nodig en werd meteen naar ons zeehondenziekenhuis gebracht. Bij de intake bleek dat de wond gelukkig niet tot het bot was doorgedrongen. Hij bleek nog wel enkele wonden te hebben aan zijn andere flipper. We houden zijn flippers nauwlettend in de gaten met regelmatige röntgenfoto’s. Brandy groeit goed, maar heeft nog steeds zorg nodig om straks weer sterk genoeg te zijn voor de Waddenzee. Help jij hem op weg naar huis?

Date rehabilitation: 07-03-2025
Location: Julianadorp
Pearl had been observed for a few days before we decided to take him in. Our seal guards noticed that he kept staying in the same place and that his condition was rapidly deteriorating. Care was necessary for his survival. Pearl was weak, had a wound on his shoulder and probably a lungworm infection. Yet at his intake he was particularly feisty and strong. He is doing a little better now, but he still needs a lot of care. Will you help Pearl get fully well again?

Date rehabilitation: 10-01-2025
Location: Vlieland
Tatsumi was only a week old when he was found alone on Vlieland. After a 24-hour observation period, he was brought to the Sealcentre on January 10. He had lost weight in those 24 hours. This is a sign that no mother had been around to feed him. Unfortunately, Tatsumi was too young to survive without his mother. Will you help Tatsumi grow big and strong so he can return to the Wadden Sea?

Date rehabilitation: 04-02-2025
Location: Groningen
This is Croissant! Croissant was found near Eemshaven in Groningen. When he was still lying there three days later and his condition had worsened, we decided to take him in. Once in Pieterburen, it turned out that he not only had a lungworm infection, but also a serious infection in a toe. To prevent the infection from spreading, we had to amputate the toe. Croissant is now recovering from the surgery. Will you contribute to Croissant's recovery?

Date rehabilitation: 04-01-2025
Location: Noord-Holland
Witje came to us as an orphaned, injured pup just a few days old. He had a swollen flipper and a damaged eye, both of which have now healed. Unfortunately, we discovered that one side of his mouth is severely damaged, probably due to a tooth abscess. This also affects his jaw and oral cavity. Witje is receiving medication, but at this point, the situation could go either way. We are doing everything we can to help Witje recover. Do you want to support Witje? Donate a portion of fish.

Date rehabilitation: 03-01-2025
Location: Vlieland
Jutter came to us with many problems, including multiple fractures, swallowing and stomach issues, and possibly a bone infection in her hind flipper. Unfortunately, we discover new problems almost every check-up. We have started feeding her fish because salmon porridge does not provide enough nutrients long-term. Without proper nutrition, Jutter cannot continue in this condition. We are doing everything we can to help Jutter recover. You can support Jutter by giving her a portion of fish.