Exclusieve of volledige adoptie van een zeehond
Adopting a seal contributes significantly to the recovery of the seal. Both exclusive and full adoptions are associated with a significant amount of money. That is why we are happy to clarify what you can expect from us in return for your donation before, during and after the adoption process.

Rehabilitation period
De gemiddelde rehabilitatieperiode van een zeehond is 2 tot 3 maanden. Je bent van harte welkom om je adoptiezeehond tijdens deze periode te komen bezoeken. Je kunt hiervoor een afspraak maken per telefoon ( 0595-526526) of per mail (donatie@zeehondencentrum.nl). We are happy to arrange for one of our employees to accompany you on your visit and explain the rehabilitation process of your adopted seal.
Releasing your adopted seal
As an adopter, we would like to invite you to be present at the release of your adopted seal. We will reserve two places you. If you want to attend a release with more people, this can be arranged after consultation with us prior to the release and at an additional cost.
When is the release?
Seals are released if they meet our release protocol: the seal must be healthy and able to take care of itself.
The interests of the seal always come first. Recovered patients therefore never stay in the rehabilitation centre longer than is necessary. That is why we cannot make agreements in advance about the date on which a seal will be released. In addition, the planned date depends on the tide, the weather and the availability of ships and employees.
Gemiddeld maken we 1-2 weken van tevoren bekend wanneer (en waar) de zeehond vrijgelaten zal worden. Je wordt dan gebeld of gemaild en uitgenodigd om met ons mee te gaan. Bij hevige wind of slecht weer kan het vrijlaten worden afgelast. Dit is uiterlijk één dag voor de geplande vrijlaatdatum bekend. Natuurlijk word je hiervan op de hoogte gesteld
What if I can't attend?
If you are unable to attend the release of your adopted seal, we invite you to attend another seal release. In addition, we will take photos of the release of your adopted seal and share them with you free of charge.
Can my dog join the release?
Wanneer er geen andere mogelijkheid is kun je je hond in sommige gevallen meenemen. De hond mag niet van boord af. Neem hiervoor even contact met ons op.
Release upon full adoption
With a full adoption you can organize a private release and bring up to 30 guests. Usually the seals are released on a sandbar near Schiermonnikoog. We sail from the port of Lauwersoog with a boat onto the Wadden Sea. To cover the boat costs, we also sell tickets to guests who want to join us.
What happens if your adopted seal dies during rehabilitation?
The Sealcentre is a hospital for seals. Despite our efforts, knowledge and skills, it can happen that a seal does not make it. As an adoptant, you will, of course be informed if your adopted seal dies during the recovery process.
As an adoptant, you can choose from the following options:
We offer you a new seal for adoption. This restarts the adoption procedure. There are no costs involved.
If you do not want a new seal adopted, but you do want to be present at the release of seal: We arrange this together in consultation with you.
Do you still have questions? Then please contact us. This can be done by telephone via number 0595 – 526 526 or by email: donatie@zeehondencentrum.nl