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Raise your voice against trade in seal products in EU

The unthinkable may come true again: products made from seals in European shops. There has been a European ban on the trade of seal products since 2009, but there is a serious chance that this ban will soon be lifted. Fortunately, we can make our voices heard!

Laatst geupdate op 06-08-2024

    Quick history

    We cannot imagine it, but for a long time, seal fur and other seal products were just lying around in European shops. In 1983, Europe issued a directive against commercial imports of products from harp seals and hooded seals.

    From an animal welfare perspective, a European ban on seal fur and other seal products was implemented in 2009. Many European countries already had national bans in place at that time. Partly because populations were declining, and partly because seal pups were brutally bludgeoned to death - to keep their fur as beautiful as possible.

    Fifteen years later, the debate unfortunately flares up: should this ban stay?


    Since mid-May, the ban has been under review by the European Commission. This is in response to concerns from Finnish and Swedish fishermen. They argue that too many seals are eating too many fish, to the detriment of fisheries.

    The evaluation consists of three parts:

    1. Consultation with relevant EU countries and stakeholders
    2. Public consultation to find out what citizens think
    3. Call for submission of evidence

    How can I help?

    Number 2 is especially important, as public consultation allows citizens to have their views heard. So a great opportunity to make a difference!

    How does it work?

    • Go to website van de Europese Commissie
    • Scroll down and click on the yellow button "Respond to the questionnaire"
    • Fill in the questionnaire. Because it can be complicated, you'll find an example here .
    • Please do so by Wednesday, August 7, 2024.
    • Thank you!

    Every vote counts!

    On this page

    • Habitat

    • External characteristics of the common seal

    • Voeding & foerageren